Using TinyCAN Backend

The TinyCAN backend encapsulates the low-level API to work with the MHS Elektronik CAN adapters.

Creating CAN Bus Devices

At first it is necessary to check that QCanBus provides the desired backend:

foreach (const QByteArray &backend, QCanBus::instance()->plugins()) {
    if (backend == "tinycan") {
        // were found

Where tinycan is the backend name.

Next, a connection to a specific interface can be established:

QCanBusDevice *device = QCanBus::instance()->createDevice("tinycan", QStringLiteral("channela"));

Where channela is the active CAN interface name. The TinyCAN backend provides two interfaces, channela and channelb.

Note: Only the USB adapters are currently supported by this backend.

The device is now open for writing and reading CAN frames:

QCanBusFrame frame;
QByteArray payload("A36E");

The reading can be done using the readFrame() method. The framesReceived() signal is emitted when new frames are available for reading:

QCanBusFrame frame = device->readFrame();

TinyCAN supports the following configurations that can be controlled through setConfigurationParameter():

Configuration parameter keyDescription
QCanBusDevice::BitRateKeyDetermines the bit rate of the CAN bus connection. The following bit rates are supported: 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 125000, 250000, 500000, 800000, 1000000.

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