hangmangame.cpp Example File

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** This file is part of the Purchasing module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "hangmangame.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QDebug>
#include <time.h>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>

HangmanGame::HangmanGame(QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent)
    , m_lock(QMutex::Recursive)
    , m_vowelsUnlocked(false)
    connect(this, SIGNAL(vowelBought(QChar)), this, SLOT(registerLetterBought(QChar)));

    QtConcurrent::run(this, &HangmanGame::initWordList);

    m_vowelsUnlocked = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/vowelsUnlocked", false).toBool();
    m_vowelsAvailable = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/vowelsAvailable", 0).toInt();
    m_wordsGiven = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/wordsGiven", 0).toInt();
    m_wordsGuessedCorrectly = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/wordsGuessedCorrectly", 0).toInt();
    m_score = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/score", 0).toInt();

void HangmanGame::reset()
    emit lettersOwnedChanged();
    emit errorCountChanged();

void HangmanGame::reveal()
    m_lettersOwned += vowels() + consonants();
    emit errorCountChanged();
    emit lettersOwnedChanged();

void HangmanGame::gameOverReveal()
    m_lettersOwned += vowels() + consonants();
    emit lettersOwnedChanged();

void HangmanGame::requestLetter(const QString &letterString)
    Q_ASSERT(letterString.size() == 1);
    QChar letter = letterString.at(0);

void HangmanGame::guessWord(const QString &word)
    if (word.compare(m_word, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
        //Determine how many vowels were earned
        setVowelsAvailable(m_vowelsAvailable + calculateEarnedVowels());
        //score is number of remaining consonants + remaining errors
        setScore(m_score + calculateEarnedPoints());
        m_lettersOwned += m_word.toUpper();
    } else {
        // Small hack to get an additional penalty for guessing wrong
        static int i=0;
        Q_ASSERT(i < 10);
        m_lettersOwned += QString::number(i++);
        emit errorCountChanged();
    emit lettersOwnedChanged();

bool HangmanGame::isVowel(const QString &letter)
    Q_ASSERT(letter.size() == 1);
    QChar letterChar = letter.at(0);
    return vowels().contains(letterChar);

QString HangmanGame::vowels() const
    return QStringLiteral("AEIOU");

QString HangmanGame::consonants() const
    return QStringLiteral("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ");

int HangmanGame::errorCount() const
    int count = 0;
    foreach (QChar c, m_lettersOwned) {
        if (!m_word.contains(c))
    return count;

bool HangmanGame::vowelsUnlocked() const
    return m_vowelsUnlocked;

void HangmanGame::setVowelsUnlocked(bool vowelsUnlocked)
    if (m_vowelsUnlocked != vowelsUnlocked) {
        m_vowelsUnlocked = vowelsUnlocked;
        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/vowelsUnlocked", m_vowelsUnlocked);
        emit vowelsUnlockedChanged(m_vowelsUnlocked);

int HangmanGame::vowelsAvailable() const
    return m_vowelsAvailable;

int HangmanGame::wordsGiven() const
    return m_wordsGiven;

int HangmanGame::wordsGuessedCorrectly() const
    return m_wordsGuessedCorrectly;

int HangmanGame::score() const
    return m_score;

void HangmanGame::setScore(int score)
    if (m_score != score) {
        m_score = score;
        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/score", m_score);
        emit scoreChanged(score);

void HangmanGame::setWordsGiven(int count)
    if (m_wordsGiven != count) {
        m_wordsGiven = count;
        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/wordsGiven", m_wordsGiven);
        emit wordsGivenChanged(count);

void HangmanGame::setWordsGuessedCorrectly(int count)
    if (m_wordsGuessedCorrectly != count) {
        m_wordsGuessedCorrectly = count;
        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/wordsGuessedCorrectly", m_wordsGuessedCorrectly);
        emit wordsGuessedCorrectlyChanged(count);

void HangmanGame::setVowelsAvailable(int count)
    if (m_vowelsAvailable != count) {
        m_vowelsAvailable = count;
        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/vowelsAvailable", m_vowelsAvailable);
        emit vowelsAvailableChanged(count);

void HangmanGame::registerLetterBought(const QChar &letter)
    if (m_lettersOwned.contains(letter))

    emit lettersOwnedChanged();

    if (!m_word.contains(letter))
        emit errorCountChanged();

void HangmanGame::chooseRandomWord()
    QMutexLocker locker(&m_lock);
    if (m_wordList.isEmpty())

    m_word = m_wordList.at(qrand() % m_wordList.size());
    emit wordChanged();

void HangmanGame::initWordList()
    QMutexLocker locker(&m_lock);
    qsrand(::time(0) + 1000);
    QFile file(":/enable2.txt");
    if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        QByteArray allData = file.readAll();
        QBuffer buffer(&allData);
        if (!buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
            qFatal("Couldn't open buffer for reading!");

        while (!buffer.atEnd()) {
            QByteArray ba = buffer.readLine().trimmed().toUpper();
            if (!ba.isEmpty() && ba.length() < 10)


int HangmanGame::calculateEarnedVowels()
    int total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_word.length(); ++i) {
        if (isVowel(QString(m_word[i])) && !m_lettersOwned.contains(QString(m_word[i])))
    return total;

int HangmanGame::calculateEarnedPoints()
    int total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_word.length(); ++i) {
        if (consonants().contains(QString(m_word[i])) && !m_lettersOwned.contains(QString(m_word[i])))
    total += 8 - errorCount();
    return total;

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