Qt 3D Studio Runtime QML Types

The Qt 3D Studio Runtime provides a number of QML types to integrate and control Qt 3D Studio presentations in Qt Quick applications. These types can be imported into your application using the following import statement in your .qml file:

import QtStudio3D 2.4

The main type for embedding a Qt 3D Studio presentations into a Qt Quick scene is Studio3D. Many of the other types correspond to a C++ class in the API offered to non-QML based applications, providing the same level of control described in the C++ reference.

There are also QML types that offer functionality not available via the C++ classes. The SubPresentationSettings type allows defining QML sub-presentations (live Qt Quick scenes composed into the 3D scene either as Qt 3D Studio layers or as texture maps) in-line, inside a Studio3D element, without having to deploy them as separate .qml files.

Note: the Behavior type is to be used by behavior scripts (.qml snippets associated with scene objects during the design phase in Qt 3D Studio) and is not available in the main application code.

QML Types


Technology Preview Behavior Integration


Controls a data input entry in a Qt 3D Studio presentation


Control type for elements in a Qt 3D Studio presentation


Represents a Qt 3D Studio presentation


QML stream


Controls the special Scene or Component scene objects in a Qt 3D Studio presentation


Qt 3D Studio presentation viewer


An item rendering profile and debug views in Qt Quick


Settings for sub-presentations


An item rendering the contents of a single layer from a Qt 3D Studio presentation


Qt 3D Studio presentation viewer settings

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