Viewer: Menu


  • Open... - Open a .uip presentation or .uia project file to view.
  • Connect... - Open the remote deployment port setting dialog.
  • Reload - Restart the presentation from the beginning.
  • Quit - Quit the Viewer.


  • Show Matte - Toggle matte on or off. If this is disabled, the whole screen will be filled with the background color.
  • Scale Mode - Open the scale mode sub menu.
    • Center - Center the presentation inside the window without scaling.
    • Scale to Fit - Scale the presentation to fit the window without extending the background.
    • Scale to Fill - Scale the presentation to fit the window while extending the background to fill the window.
  • Stereo Mode - Open the stereo mode sub menu.
    • Mono - Disable stereo mode.
    • Top-Bottom - Switch to top-bottom stereo mode. In this mode image for left eye is rendered on top and image for right eye is rendered at the bottom.
    • Left-Right - Switch to left-right stereo mode. In this mode images for left and right eye are rendered side-by-side.
    • Anaglyph (Red - Cyan) - Switch to red-cyan anaglyph stereo mode.

      Note: Anaglyph modes do not support all features.

    • Anaglyph (Green - Magenta) - Switch to green-magenta anaglyph stereo mode.

      Note: Anaglyph modes do not support all features.

    • Progressive Rendering - Toggle progressive rendering on or off.
    • Increase Separation - Increase the eye separation.
    • Decrease Separation - Decrease the eye separation.
  • Show Render Statistics - Switch the render statistics on or off. Render statistics include information of the FPS, frame time, and init time of the whole presentation, as well as time taken by different passes for each layer.
  • Full Screen - Switch to fullscreen mode. The menu bar may still be visible, depending on the windowing system.

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