Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains answers to some frequently asked questions about Qt Design Studio grouped by categories. You might also find answers to your questions in the product documentation by searching or browsing the index in the Help mode. Many questions are also answered by the examples and video tutorials.

FAQ - Qt Bridge

How does Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop differ from Qt Bridge for Sketch and Qt Bridge for Figma?

Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop, Qt Bridge for Sketch, and Qt Bridge for Figma are functionally similar. The biggest difference between the tools is that Qt Bridge for Sketch and Qt Bridge for Figma can export .svg (vector), .png, and .jpeg files, while Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop only supports .png and .jpeg. Adobe Illustrator users can port their designs into Photoshop, but they must be rasterized into smart objects.

For more information, see Exporting from Design Tools.

Do I need to copy the .qml files in the resource folder after each design modification?

No you don't. When you add new or modified .metadata files to your project from Photoshop, Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop, Qt Bridge for Sketch, or Qt Bridge for Figma, select the Merge QML check box in the Asset Import dialog to merge the changes into existing QML files instead of overwriting them.

For more information, see Importing 2D Assets.

Where can I find log files generated by Qt Bridge while exporting metadata?

On Windows, the logs are stored inside the temp folder in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp. The log files are named as csxs<versionNumber>-<HostID>.log. Please note that you might have to set the log level to generate logs. Also note the CEP version while setting the log level. The CEP version depends on the Photoshop version you are using. Currently the latest version is version 10.

FAQ - Assets

Can I import my organization's preferred font in Qt Design Studio?

Yes, you can import your custom fonts, for example, in .ttf or .otf formats. Fonts installed on your system will be available to use in your imported designs. If you need to deploy the device, you will have to import the font into the project.

For more information, see Using Custom Fonts.

FAQ - Components

Can I use custom components?

Yes, you can create custom components and controls by using wizard templates or move component instances into separate files to turn them into new components that you can create instances of. For more information, see Using Components.

What are the 3D import formats for Qt Design Studio?

You can import files stored in several widely-used formats, such as .fbx, .obj, .gltf, .glb, .blend, .dae, .uia, and .uip.

For more information, see Importing 3D Assets.

How can I integrate custom C++ components into QDS?

You must create your own QML module that contains the components and provides additional information about your components. For more information, see Using QML Modules with Plugins.

FAQ - Views

What are the keyboard shortcuts for moving around in the 3D view?

  • To pan: Alt + middle mouse button
  • To orbit (rotate): Alt (or Option on macOS) + left mouse button
  • To zoom: Alt + right mouse button

For more information, see the 3D view.

FAQ - Integration Between Qt Design Studio and Qt Creator

Can I automatically propagate name changes between Qt Design Studio and Qt Creator?

Unfortunately we do not automate renaming files between tools at the moment. If you decide to change the name of a property, alias, or signal in Qt Design Studio, you need to manually change the name in Qt Creator to maintain the connection. However, you can rename symbols in all files within a project. To rename a QML type in a project, select Tools > QML/JS > Rename Symbol Under Cursor or press Ctrl+Shift+R. For more information, see Renaming Symbols.

How can I add .qml files to my project in Qt Creator?

Use the project wizard templates to create an application in Qt Design Studio and copy your .qml files to the project folder. Then make some changes to the project configuration and source files, as instructed in Converting UI Projects to Applications.

FAQ - Performance

Will my application with 3D components run at 60 FPS?

With the ability to test the full (2D/3D) UI in Qt Design Studio on target hardware, you will quickly be able to determine if a 3D object is causing performance issues using the FPS field in the Design mode. FPS displays the frames-per-second (FPS) refresh rate of previewed animations.

See Optimizing Your 3D Scene to learn how you can enhance the performance by optimizing your scene.

FAQ - Data Simulation

Can I automatically generate dummy data?

No, this is not supported at the moment. For more information about creating the data manually, see Loading Placeholder Data.

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