Qt Quick 3D - Principled Material Example

// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick3D

// qmllint disable missing-property
// Disabling missing-property because the targetMaterial property
// will either be a PrincipaledMaterial or SpecularGlossyMaterial
// but the shared properties are not part of the common base class
ScrollView {
    id: rootView
    required property Material targetMaterial
    ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
    width: availableWidth

    ColumnLayout {
        width: rootView.availableWidth

        MarkdownLabel {
            text: `# Clearcoat
Clearcoat when enabled gives the appearance of another protective layer on top
of the existing material. A real life analog would be a clear lacquer.

## Clearcoat Amount
To enable the clearcoat layer, the value of Clearcoat amount must be change to
something greater than 0.0. There is a cost for adding a clearcoat layer
(basically doing all specular lighting for a second time) so is disabled by

        RowLayout {
            Label {
                text: "Clearcoat Amount (" + rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatAmount.toFixed(2) + ")"
                Layout.fillWidth: true
            Slider {
                from: 0
                to: 1
                value: rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatAmount
                onValueChanged: rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatAmount = value

        MarkdownLabel {
            text: `### Clearcoat Map
The Clearcoat Map is a single channel texture in which when multiplied against
the Clearcoat Amount property determines what the clearcoat amount is for the
        ComboBox {
            id: clearcoatChannelComboBox
            textRole: "text"
            valueRole: "value"
            implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestText
            onActivated: rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatChannel = currentValue
            Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = indexOfValue(rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatChannel)
            model: [
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.R, text: "Red Channel"},
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.G, text: "Green Channel"},
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.B, text: "Blue Channel"},
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.A, text: "Alpha Channel"}

        TextureSourceControl {
            defaultTexture: "maps/noise.png"
            defaultClearColor: "black"
            onTargetTextureChanged: {
                rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatMap = targetTexture

        MarkdownLabel {
            text: `## Clearcoat Roughness
Just like the base material layer, the Clearcoat layer also has has a roughness
property. The Clearcoat Roughness property will make the specular reflection of
the clearcoat layer more diffuse.`

        RowLayout {
            Label {
                text: "Clearcoat Roughness (" + rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessAmount.toFixed(2) + ")"
                Layout.fillWidth: true
            Slider {
                from: 0
                to: 1
                value: rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessAmount
                onValueChanged: rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessAmount = value

        MarkdownLabel {
            text: `### Clearcoat Roughness Map
The Clearcoat Roughness Map is a single channel texture in which when multiplied
against the Clearcoat Roughness Amount property determines the roughness of the clearcoat
layer for the material.`

        ComboBox {
            id: clearcoatRoughnessChannelComboBox
            textRole: "text"
            valueRole: "value"
            implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestText
            onActivated: rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessChannel = currentValue
            Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = indexOfValue(rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessChannel)
            model: [
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.R, text: "Red Channel"},
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.G, text: "Green Channel"},
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.B, text: "Blue Channel"},
                { value: PrincipledMaterial.A, text: "Alpha Channel"}

        TextureSourceControl {
            defaultTexture: "maps/noise.png"
            defaultClearColor: "black"
            onTargetTextureChanged: {
                rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessMap = targetTexture

        MarkdownLabel {
            text: `## Clearcoat Normal Map
Finally, the clearcoat layer also supports applying a normal map to further
define the surface details. This normal map works the same way as the Normal
Map property of PrincipledMaterial, just only applies to the clearcoat layer.
It is possible that the material would have two normal maps applied in this

        TextureSourceControl {
            defaultTexture: "maps/metallic/normal.jpg"
            defaultClearColor: Qt.rgba(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
            stampMode: true
            stampSource: "maps/normal_stamp.png"
            onTargetTextureChanged: {
                rootView.targetMaterial.clearcoatNormalMap = targetTexture
// qmllint enable missing-property