Qt Quick Ultralite Automotive Cluster Demo


The MIT License(MIT)

Embedded Template Library.

Copyright(c) 2014 jwellbelove

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.



#include <stddef.h>

#include "platform.h"

#include "stl/algorithm.h"
#include "stl/iterator.h"
#include "stl/functional.h"

#include "exception.h"
#include "type_traits.h"
#include "parameter_type.h"
#include "static_assert.h"
#include "error_handler.h"
#include "algorithm.h"

///\defgroup array array
/// A replacement for std::array if you haven't got C++0x11.
///\ingroup containers

namespace etl
  ///\ingroup array
  /// The base class for array exceptions.
  class array_exception : public exception

    array_exception(string_type reason_, string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
      : exception(reason_, file_name_, line_number_)

  ///\ingroup array
  /// The out of range exceptions.
  class array_out_of_range : public array_exception

    array_out_of_range(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
      : array_exception("array:range", file_name_, line_number_)

  ///\ingroup array
  /// A replacement for std::array if you haven't got C++0x11.
  template <typename T, const size_t SIZE_>
  class array

    typedef typename etl::parameter_type<T>::type parameter_t;


      SIZE = SIZE_

    typedef T                                     value_type;
    typedef size_t                                size_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t                             difference_type;
    typedef T&                                    reference;
    typedef const T&                              const_reference;
    typedef T*                                    pointer;
    typedef const T*                              const_pointer;
    typedef T*                                    iterator;
    typedef const T*                              const_iterator;
    typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator>       reverse_iterator;
    typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;

    // Element access

    /// Returns a reference to the value at index 'i'.
    ///\param i The index of the element to access.
    reference at(size_t i)
      ETL_ASSERT(i < SIZE, ETL_ERROR(array_out_of_range));

      return _buffer[i];

    /// Returns a const reference to the value at index 'i'.
    ///\param i The index of the element to access.
    const_reference at(size_t i) const
      ETL_ASSERT(i < SIZE, ETL_ERROR(array_out_of_range));

      return _buffer[i];

    /// [] operator.
    /// Returns a reference to the value at index 'i'.
    ///\param i The index of the element to access.
    reference operator[](size_t i)
      return _buffer[i];

    /// [] operator.
    /// Returns a const reference to the value at index 'i'.
    ///\param i The index of the element to access.
    const_reference operator[](size_t i) const
      return _buffer[i];

    /// Returns a reference to the first element.
    reference front()
      return _buffer[0];

    /// Returns a const reference to the first element.
    const_reference front() const
      return _buffer[0];

    /// Returns a reference to the last element.
    reference back()
      return _buffer[SIZE - 1];

    /// Returns a const reference to the last element.
    const_reference back() const
      return _buffer[SIZE - 1];

    /// Returns a pointer to the first element of the internal buffer.
    pointer data()
      return &_buffer[0];

    /// Returns a const pointer to the first element of the internal buffer.
    const_pointer data() const
      return &_buffer[0];

    // Iterators

    /// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the array.
    iterator begin()
      return &_buffer[0];

    /// Returns a const iterator to the beginning of the array.
    const_iterator begin() const
      return &_buffer[0];

    /// Returns a const iterator to the beginning of the array.
    const_iterator cbegin() const
      return begin();

    /// Returns an iterator to the end of the array.
    iterator end()
      return &_buffer[SIZE];

    /// Returns a const iterator to the end of the array.
    const_iterator end() const
      return &_buffer[SIZE];

    // Returns a const iterator to the end of the array.
    const_iterator cend() const
      return &_buffer[SIZE];

    // Returns an reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the array.
    reverse_iterator rbegin()
      return reverse_iterator(end());

    /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the array.
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
      return const_reverse_iterator(end());

    /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the array.
    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
      return const_reverse_iterator(end());

    /// Returns a reverse iterator to the end of the array.
    reverse_iterator rend()
      return reverse_iterator(begin());

    /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the end of the array.
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const
      return const_reverse_iterator(begin());

    /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the end of the array.
    const_reverse_iterator crend() const
      return const_reverse_iterator(begin());

    // Capacity

    /// Returns <b>true</b> if the array size is zero.
    bool empty() const
      return (SIZE == 0);

    /// Returns the size of the array.
    size_t size() const
      return SIZE;

    /// Returns the maximum possible size of the array.
    size_t max_size() const
      return SIZE;

    // Operations

    /// Fills the array with the specified value.
    ///\param value The value to fill the array with.
    void fill(parameter_t value)
      std::fill(begin(), end(), value);

    /// Swaps the contents of this array and another.
    ///\param other A reference to the other array.
    void swap(array& other)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
        std::swap(_buffer[i], other._buffer[i]);

    /// Fills the array from the range.
    /// If the range is larger than the array then the extra data is ignored.
    /// If the range is smaller than the array then the unused array elements are left unmodified.
    ///\param first The iterator to the first item in the ramge.
    ///\param last  The iterator to one past the final item in the range.
    template <typename TIterator>
    void assign(TIterator first, const TIterator last)
      etl::copy(first, last, begin(), end());

    /// Fills the array from the range.
    /// If the range is larger than the array then the extra data is ignored.
    /// If the range is smaller than the array then the unused array elements are initialised with the supplied value.
    ///\param first The iterator to the first item in the ramge.
    ///\param last  The iterator to one past the final item in the range.
    template <typename TIterator>
    void assign(TIterator first, const TIterator last, parameter_t value)
      // Copy from the range.
      iterator p = etl::copy(first, last, begin(), end());

      // Default initialise any that are left.
      std::fill(p, end(), value);

    /// Inserts a value into the array.
    ///\param position The index of the position to insert at.
    ///\param value    The value to insert.
    inline iterator insert_at(size_t position, parameter_t value)
      return insert(begin() + position, value);

    /// Inserts a value into the array.
    ///\param position The iterator to the position to insert at.
    ///\param value    The value to insert.
    iterator insert(const_iterator position, parameter_t value)
      iterator p = const_cast<iterator>(position);

      std::copy_backward(p, end() - 1, end());
      *p = value;

      return p;

    /// Insert into the array from the range.
    ///\param position The position to insert at.
    ///\param first    The iterator to the first item in the range.
    ///\param last     The iterator to one past the final item in the range.
    template <typename TIterator>
    inline iterator insert_at(size_t position, TIterator first, const TIterator last)
      return insert(begin() + position, first, last);

    /// Insert into the array from the range.
    ///\param position The position to insert at.
    ///\param first    The iterator to the first item in the range.
    ///\param last     The iterator to one past the final item in the range.
    template <typename TIterator>
    iterator insert(const_iterator position, TIterator first, const TIterator last)
      iterator p = const_cast<iterator>(position);
      iterator result(p);

      size_t source_size       = std::distance(first, last);
      size_t destination_space = std::distance(position, cend());

      // Do we need to move anything?
      if (source_size < destination_space)
        size_t length = SIZE - (std::distance(begin(), p) + source_size);
        std::copy_backward(p, p + length, end());

      // Copy from the range.
      etl::copy(first, last, p, end());

      return result;

    /// Erases a value from the array.
    /// After erase, the last value in the array will be unmodified.
    ///\param position The index of the position to erase at.
    inline iterator erase_at(size_t position)
      return erase(begin() + position);

    /// Erases a value from the array.
    /// After erase, the last value in the array will be unmodified.
    ///\param position The iterator to the position to erase at.
    iterator erase(const_iterator position)
      iterator p = const_cast<iterator>(position);
      std::copy(p + 1, end(), p);

      return p;

    /// Erases a range of values from the array.
    /// After erase, the last values in the array will be unmodified.
    ///\param first The first item to erase.
    ///\param last  The one past the last item to erase.
    iterator erase_range(size_t first, size_t last)
      return erase(begin() + first, begin() + last);

    /// Erases a range of values from the array.
    /// After erase, the last values in the array will be unmodified.
    ///\param first The first item to erase.
    ///\param last  The one past the last item to erase.
    iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
      iterator p = const_cast<iterator>(first);
      std::copy(last, cend(), p);
      return p;

    /// Erases a value from the array.
    ///\param position The index of the position to erase at.
    ///\param value    The value to use to overwrite the last element in the array.
    inline iterator erase_at(size_t position, parameter_t value)
      return erase(begin() + position, value);

    /// Erases a value from the array.
    ///\param position The iterator to the position to erase at.
    ///\param value    The value to use to overwrite the last element in the array.
    iterator erase(const_iterator position, parameter_t value)
      iterator p = const_cast<iterator>(position);

      std::copy(p + 1, end(), p);
      back() = value;

      return p;

    /// Erases a range of values from the array.
    ///\param first The first item to erase.
    ///\param last  The one past the last item to erase.
    ///\param value The value to use to overwrite the last elements in the array.
    iterator erase_range(size_t first, size_t last, parameter_t value)
      return erase(begin() + first, begin() + last, value);

    /// Erases a range of values from the array.
    ///\param position The iterator to the position to erase at.
    ///\param value    The value to use to overwrite the last elements in the array.
    iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, parameter_t value)
      iterator p = const_cast<iterator>(first);

      p = std::copy(last, cend(), p);
      std::fill(p, end(), value);

      return const_cast<iterator>(first);

    /// The array data.
    T _buffer[SIZE];

  /// Overloaded swap for etl::array<T, SIZE>
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  template <typename T, const size_t SIZE>
  void swap(etl::array<T, SIZE> &lhs, etl::array<T, SIZE> &rhs)

  /// Equal operator.
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  ///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
  template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
  bool operator ==(const etl::array<T, SIZE>& lhs, const etl::array<T, SIZE>& rhs)
    return std::equal(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin());

  /// Not equal operator.
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  ///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are not equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
  template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
  bool operator !=(const etl::array<T, SIZE>& lhs, const etl::array<T, SIZE>& rhs)
    return !(lhs == rhs);

  /// Less than operator.
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  ///\return <b>true</b> if the first array is lexicographically less than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
  template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
  bool operator <(const etl::array<T, SIZE>& lhs, const etl::array<T, SIZE>& rhs)
    return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(),

  /// Less than or equal operator.
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  ///\return <b>true</b> if the first array is lexicographically less than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
  template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
  bool operator <=(const etl::array<T, SIZE>& lhs, const etl::array<T, SIZE>& rhs)
    return !(lhs > rhs);

  /// Greater than operator.
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  ///\return <b>true</b> if the first array is lexicographically greater than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
  template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
  bool operator >(const etl::array<T, SIZE>& lhs, const etl::array<T, SIZE>& rhs)
    return (rhs < lhs);

  /// Greater than or equal operator.
  ///\param lhs The first array.
  ///\param rhs The second array.
  ///\return <b>true</b> if the first array is lexicographically greater than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
  template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
  bool operator >=(const etl::array<T, SIZE>& lhs, const etl::array<T, SIZE>& rhs)
    return !(lhs < rhs);

  /// Gets a reference to an element in the array.
  ///\tparam I The index.
  ///\tparam T The type.
  ///\tparam MAXN The array size.
  ///\param a The array.
  ///\return A reference to the element
  template <size_t I, typename T, size_t MAXN>
  inline T& get(array<T, MAXN>& a)
    ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(I < MAXN, "Index out of bounds");
    return a[I];

  /// Gets a const reference to an element in the array.
  ///\tparam I The index.
  ///\tparam T The type.
  ///\tparam MAXN The array size.
  ///\param a The array.
  ///\return A const reference to the element
  template <size_t I, typename T, size_t MAXN>
  inline const T& get(const array<T, MAXN>& a)
    ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(I < MAXN, "Index out of bounds");
    return a[I];
