Qt Quick Ultralite Automotive Cluster Demo

// PROJECT = RH850/D1M2H
// MODULE  = $Source$
// VERSION = $Revision$
// DATE    = $Date$
//                                 C O P Y R I G H T
// Copyright (c) 2017 by RENESAS Electronics (Europe) GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Kanzlerstrasse 2
// D-40472 Duesseldorf
// Germany
//Purpose: Standard Port Hardware Mapping Definition
//Warranty Disclaimer
//Because the Product(s) is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty
//of any kind whatsoever and expressly disclaimed and excluded by RENESAS,
//either expressed or implied, including but not limited to those for
//non-infringement of intellectual property, merchantability and/or
//fitness for the particular purpose.
//RENESAS shall not have any obligation to maintain, service or provide bug
//fixes for the supplied Product(s) and/or the Application.
//Each User is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of
//using the Product(s) and assumes all risks associated with its exercise
//of rights under this Agreement, including, but not limited to the risks
//and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to
//or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or
//interruption of operations.
//Limitation of Liability
//In no event shall RENESAS be liable to the User for any incidental,
//consequential, indirect, or punitive damage (including but not limited
//to lost profits) regardless of whether such liability is based on breach
//of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of
//essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the possibility of
//such damages. RENESAS shall not be liable for any services or products
//provided by third party vendors, developers or consultants identified or
//referred to the User by RENESAS in conrenesastion with the Product(s) and/or the
// Environment: Devices:          RH850/D1M2H
//              Assembler:        GHS MULTI
//              C-Compiler:       GHS MULTI
//              Linker:           GHS MULTI
//              Debugger:         GHS MULTI
// $Log$

#ifndef _MAP_PORTS_H
#define _MAP_PORTS_H

#include <ree_macros.h>
#include <ports/standardports/standardports.h>

#include <ports/standardports/standardports_p.h>


#define N_PORT_BASE                   ( 0xff610040 )
#define N_PORT_MODE_BASE              ( 0xff610050 )
#define N_PORT_MODE_CONTROL_BASE      ( 0xff610054 )
#define N_PORT_FUNCTION_CONTROL_BASE  ( 0xff610058 )
#define N_PORT_FUNCTION_CONTROL2_BASE ( 0xff61005c )

#define N_PORT_FUNCLEVELS             ( 3 )

/* #define A_PORT_BASE                  ( 0xfffff000 ) */
/* #define A_PORT_CONTROL_BASE          ( 0xfffff020 ) */
/* #define A_PORT_MODE_CONTROL_BASE     ( 0xfffff040 ) */


#undef PORT_4
#undef PORT_5
#undef PORT_6
#undef PORT_7
#undef PORT_8
#undef PORT_9

#undef PORT_12
#undef PORT_13
#undef PORT_14
#undef PORT_15

#undef PORT_20
#undef PORT_22
#undef PORT_24
#undef PORT_25
#undef PORT_29
#undef PORT_32
#undef PORT_33
#undef PORT_34



typedef struct port_numeric {

  volatile unsigned short  p1;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED1[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p2;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED2[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p3;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED3[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p4;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED4[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p5;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED5[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p6;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED6[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p7;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED7[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p8;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED8[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p9;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED9[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p10;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED10[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p11;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED11[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p12;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED12[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p13;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED13[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p14;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED14[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p15;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED15[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p16;
  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED16[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short  p17;

  volatile unsigned short  RESERVED0[ 0x3ddf ];
  volatile unsigned short  p0;

} port_numeric;

typedef struct port_mode_numeric {

  volatile unsigned short pm1;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED1[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm2;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED2[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm3;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED3[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm4;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED4[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm5;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED5[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm6;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED6[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm7;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED7[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm8;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED8[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm9;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED9[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm10;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED10[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm11;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED11[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm12;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED12[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm13;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED13[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm14;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED14[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm15;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED15[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm16;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED16[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pm17;

  volatile unsigned short RESERVED0[ 0x3ddf ];
  volatile unsigned short pm0;

} port_mode_numeric;

typedef struct port_mode_control_numeric {

  volatile unsigned short pmc1;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED1[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc2;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED2[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc3;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED3[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc4;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED4[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc5;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED5[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc6;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED6[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc7;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED7[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc8;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED8[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc9;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED9[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc10;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED10[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc11;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED11[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc12;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED12[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc13;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED13[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc14;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED14[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc15;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED15[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc16;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED16[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc17;

  volatile unsigned short RESERVED0[ 0x3ddf ];
  volatile unsigned short pmc0;

} port_mode_control_numeric;

typedef struct port_function_control_numeric {

  volatile unsigned short pfc1;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED1[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc2;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED2[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc3;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED3[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc4;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED4[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc5;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED5[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc6;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED6[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc7;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED7[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc8;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED8[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc9;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED9[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc10;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED10[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc11;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED11[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc12;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED12[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc13;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED13[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc14;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED14[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc15;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED15[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc16;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED16[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc17;

  volatile unsigned short RESERVED0[ 0x3ddf ];
  volatile unsigned short pfc0;

} port_function_control_numeric;

typedef struct port_function_control2_numeric {

  volatile unsigned short pfce1;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED1[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce2;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED2[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce3;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED3[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce4;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED4[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce5;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED5[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce6;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED6[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce7;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED7[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce8;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED8[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce9;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED9[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce10;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED10[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce11;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED11[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce12;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED12[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce13;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED13[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce14;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED14[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce15;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED15[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce16;
  volatile unsigned short RESERVED16[ 0x1f ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce17;

  volatile unsigned short RESERVED0[ 0x3ddf ];
  volatile unsigned short pfce0;

} port_function_control2_numeric;

/* typedef struct port_alpha { */

/*   volatile unsigned short pal; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pah; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED0; */
/*   volatile unsigned short pdl; */
/*   volatile unsigned short pdh; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pcs; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED1; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pct; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED2; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pcm; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED3; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pcd; */

/* } port_alpha; */

/* typedef struct port_mode_alpha { */

/*   volatile unsigned short pmal; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmah; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED0; */
/*   volatile unsigned short pmdl; */
/*   volatile unsigned short pmdh; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmcs; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED1; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmct; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED2; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmcm; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED3; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmcd; */

/* } port_mode_alpha; */

/* typedef struct port_mode_control_alpha { */

/*   volatile unsigned short pmcal; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmcah; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED0; */
/*   volatile unsigned short pmcdl; */
/*   volatile unsigned short pmcdh; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmccs; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED1; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmcct; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED2; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmccm; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  RESERVED3; */
/*   volatile unsigned char  pmccd;  */

/* } port_mode_control_alpha; */


static struct port_numeric
             *port_numeric_p =
                                 ( struct port_numeric * )
                                 ( N_PORT_BASE );

static struct port_mode_numeric
             *port_mode_numeric_p =
                                 ( struct port_mode_numeric * )
                                 ( N_PORT_MODE_BASE );

static struct port_mode_control_numeric
             *port_mode_control_numeric_p =
                                 ( struct port_mode_control_numeric * )
                                 ( N_PORT_MODE_CONTROL_BASE );

static struct port_function_control_numeric
             *port_function_control_numeric_p =
                                 ( struct port_function_control_numeric * )
                                 ( N_PORT_FUNCTION_CONTROL_BASE );

static struct port_function_control2_numeric
             *port_function_control2_numeric_p =
                                 ( struct port_function_control2_numeric * )
                                 ( N_PORT_FUNCTION_CONTROL2_BASE );

/* static struct port_alpha                */
/*              *port_alpha_p =  */
/*                                  ( struct port_alpha * )              */
/*                                  ( A_PORT_BASE ); */

/* static struct port_mode_alpha           */
/*              *port_mode_alpha_p =  */
/*                                  ( struct port_mode_alpha * )         */
/*                                  ( A_PORT_CONTROL_BASE ); */

/* static struct port_mode_control_alpha   */
/*              *port_mode_control_alpha_p =  */
/*                                  ( struct port_mode_control_alpha * ) */
/*                                  ( A_PORT_MODE_CONTROL_BASE ); */
