Qt Configuration Tool

The Qt Configuration Tool is a GUI application for the Qt feature system introduced with Qt 5.8. It allows browsing and selecting features that will be included in the Qt build configuration. The tool will also take care of dependencies between features.

Using the Tool

The tool requires a configured Qt build - this can be either a top-level (qt5) build of Qt, or just Qt Base (qtbase). After pointing the tool to the Qt build directory, the features and their states are presented in a tree view where they can be enabled or disabled.

Command-line Options

In addition to the Qt build directory, the tool requires the location of the configure.json file describing the features. By default it is searched from the build directory. Both of these paths can be set from the user interface and from the command-line:

qconfig-gui [options]

--build-dir <path>The path to the Qt build directory. If omitted, it is assumed to be the working directory.
--json-file <path>The path to the configure.json file. If omitted, the tool will try to derive it from the build directory.

Using the New Configuration

Once changes to the features have been made, the new configuration can then be saved; it is picked up by configure when re-configuring Qt:

configure -redo

UI Walkthrough

First, the Build directory of the configured Qt build needs to be set. The Configuration file field points to the main configure.json file where the Qt features are described.

The available features are shown in a tree view. Selecting one shows more information about the feature; its availability, dependencies, and possible conflicts with other features.

Filtering the Features

The features can be filtered by name and by state.

Filter states:

  • Default - Shows available features that are documented.
  • All - Shows all features, including ones that are not available.
  • Available - Shows only features that are available.

Available feature is a feature that can be enabled on the chosen target platform; all libraries it depends on are present and its configuration tests completed successfully.

At the bottom is an output pane where status information, errors and warnings are displayed.

Finally, there are Undo and Redo buttons to roll back and re-apply feature selections, and a Save button. Saving the configuration updates a config.opt file, and the new configuration is then applied when running configure -redo.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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