Qt for Device Creation

Qt for Device Creation is a commercial offering that provides the Qt development framework for embedded Linux. Wider support for other target operating systems, for example embedded variants of Qt for Android and Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS), will be added in upcoming Qt 6 releases.

Qt for Device Creation Commercial Offering

In Qt 6, Qt for Device Creation commercial offering provides the following content:

Qt for Device Creation offering is based on the Qt for Application Development offering that provides you the Qt Essentials and Qt Add-Ons modules, and Qt tools for the desktop and mobile reference platforms.

Reference Target Devices

Qt for Device Creation has plenty of different reference target devices. See Reference Target Devices and Development Hosts.

Providing Qt Support for Hardware Boards via QBSP

Qt partners can deliver support for Qt on their hardware boards via Qt Board Support Packages (QBSP). For more information, see QBSP Overview.

Boot to Qt

Qt for Device Creation comes with several ready-made Boot to Qt software stacks for various embedded hardware boards. Boot to Qt is aimed for getting started with a project and it is a full software stack with Qt based on Yocto Embedded Linux. The Boot to Qt software stack is installed into the actual target device and it comes with ready-made integration with the Qt tooling on a host side. For more detailed information, see Boot to Qt Software Stack.

Qt Automotive Suite

Qt Automotive Suite is an additional licensing option that includes automotive specific additional enablers on top of Qt for Device Creation. Qt Automotive Suite licensing enables a full digital cockpit creation with an instrument cluster with safety-critical features, In-Vehicle-Infotainment (IVI), head up display, camera streams, and integration to automotive specific back ends such as HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) or modules in CanBUS. For more information about Qt Automotive Suite, see Qt Automotive Suite.

Future Qt Releases

In Qt 6.0, there is limited support for reference target devices and operating systems when compared to Qt 5.15. Wider support for other target operating systems, for example embedded variants of Android and Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS), will be added in upcoming Qt 6 releases.

If you need Qt on some other operating system that is not yet supported by Qt, it is very probable that you can use Qt if the operating system provides the following features:

  • C++-17 compliant compiler
  • Graphics API (in case your target device requires a UI). For more information about Graphics API support in Qt, see Graphics.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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