Requirements for macOS

Instructions in this documentation assume macOS 10.13.x or later. Others may work, but have not been tested.

Installing Platform Dependencies

Boot to Qt does not yet provide cross-compiler tools for macOS, but the USB connection to the target device can be used for deploying applications that do not require compilation.

libusb-1.0Required by the QDB tool.

Homebrew is needed for libusb installation. See instructions for Homebrew installation from Installation — Homebrew Documentation. You can install libusb with the following command in a terminal:

brew install libusb

Connecting to Target Device via USB

If you are using an USB access for connecting the target device, you must check that you are using a suitable protocol for USB. The USB access to the embedded target device supports two different USB protocols. The default protocol (Remote Network Driver Interface Specification, RNDIS) can be used when connecting the target device to either Linux or Windows host. When you want to connect the target device to a macOS host, you will need to change the protocol to CDC-ECM (Communications Device Class - Ethernet Control Module).

After you have installed Boot to Qt to your target device, you can change the protocol by editing a configuration file on the device.

Editing Configuration File on Device

The USB Ethernet protocol support can be configured from the following file on the target device:


Support the RNDIS protocol for Windows and Linux hosts (default):


Support the CDC-ECM protocol for macOS and Linux hosts:


Connect the target to host with a USB cable. After changing the above file restart the target device.

In case of problems, see Troubleshooting.

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