Qt Device Utilities 5.15.18
Qt Device Utilities provides functionality that is useful for controlling settings in embedded applications. The functionality in Qt Device Utilities is divided into the following C++ modules:
Provides functionality for controlling Bluetooth settings. | |
Provides access to display settings. | |
Provides functionality for controlling locale settings. | |
Provides functionality for controlling network settings. | |
Provides functionality for controlling time and date settings. | |
Provides functionality for controlling a local device settings. |
Qt Device Utilities provides the following QML modules:
Provides a singleton QML type for controlling bluetooth settings. | |
Provides a system-wide settings UI. | |
Provides a singleton QML type for controlling display settings. | |
Provides a collection of local device related utility functions. | |
Provides singleton QML types for controlling locale settings. | |
Provides singleton QML types for controlling network settings. | |
Provides singleton QML types for controlling date and time settings. |
Getting Started
To include the definitions of the module's classes, use the following directives:
#include <QtBluetoothSettings> #include <QtDisplaySettings> #include <QtLocalDevice> #include <QtLocaleSettings> #include <QtNetworkSettings> #include <QtTimeDateSettings>
To link against the modules, add this line to your qmake .pro file:
QT += bluetoothsettings displaysettings localdevice localesettings networksettings timedatesettings
To import the QML types into your application, use the following import statements in your .qml file:
import QtDeviceUtilities.BluetoothSettings 1.0 import QtDeviceUtilities.DisplaySettings 1.0 import QtDeviceUtilities.LocalDeviceSettings 1.0 import QtDeviceUtilities.LocaleSettings 1.0 import QtDeviceUtilities.NetworkSettings 1.0 import QtDeviceUtilities.SettingsUI 1.0 import QtDeviceUtilities.TimeDateSettings 1.0
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