RH850 D1M1A

This topic provides board-specific information about Renesas' RH850.

Board configuration

Connect the Mango Adapter to the Main Board, and ensure that all jumpers and switches are set exactly as described.

Enable HDMI Output

To enable HDMI video output, follow the jumper and dip-switch configuration.

On the Mango Main Board:

  • Connect the JP96 pins
  • Open JP98 pins 2 and 3, and connect pin PJ99 to JP98-2.
  • DSW31.7 switch set to OFF

On the Mango Adapter Board:

  • DSW1.1 switch set to OFF

Enable Flashing

To enable flashing and debugging, ensure that the following switch configuration is set:


Enable HMI section

To be able to use the HMI section on the board (HMI knob and 4-direction switch), open JP30 and set the DWS29.1-1 switches to ON.

Note: This setup can interfere with CAN. See Mango Main Board reference docs for more details.

Platform-specific CMake options

Following CMake options are available exclusively for this platform:

CMake OptionDescription
QUL_USE_DEFAULT_RH850_STARTUP_FILEBy default Qt Quick Ultralite is using startup file that comes with the RGL library. Set this global variable to OFF to disable this behavior. Then you are able to add your custom startup file to the executable target sources.

Resource cache policy

By default, an application's resource data is copied to SDRAM on startup. In order to retain these resources in flash and not load them to RAM on startup, add the following CMake option to your CMake project file:


Alternatively, it can be enabled only for individual images like this:

    big/button.png PROPERTIES

Note: Set these CMake options before the qul_add_resource entry.

Custom layer requirements

On RH850, there are some special requirements for resources that are used as source for an ImageLayer.

Rendering errors might appear if using a resource placed in internal flash as the source of an ImageLayer inside a SpriteLayer. It's not recommended to use the NoCaching resource cache policy for these images. If the resource has to be kept internal flash, use a root level ImageLayer instead.

Resources used as the source of an ImageLayer inside a SpriteLayer need to have an eight byte aligned width. That means 32 bit per pixel images need to have a width that's a multiple of two, and 16 bit per pixel images need to have a width that's a multiple of four.

Resources used as the source of a root level ImageLayer need to have a 128 byte aligned width. That means 32 bit per pixel images need to have a width that's a multiple of 32, and 16 bit per pixel images need to have a width that's a multiple of 16.

Resources used as the source of a root level ImageLayer need to have an address alignment of 128 bytes. This can be configured with the QUL_PRIVATE_RESOURCE_ALIGNMENT property:


Note: QUL_PRIVATE_RESOURCE_ALIGNMENT is internal API, and might change in a future release.

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