Develop the application backend

This topic guides you through the steps to develop the application's backend using Qt Creator, which is the default IDE you get with Qt for MCUs. The backend enables the application's UI to communicate with the platform and get the required information from the hardware. In this case, the communicator gets the status of the on-board LED. The following diagram describes the workflow between the two components:

The following instructions guide you through the entire process:

  1. Launch Qt Creator and open the Qt Design Studio project that your created in the previous topic:
    • Click File > Open File or Project.
    • Navigate to your project folder and double-click the CMakeLists.txt file.
    • In the Configure Project dialog, select the kits Qt for MCUs 2.3 - Desktop 32bpp and Qt for MCUs 2.3 - EK-RA6M3G-BAREMETAL 16bpp (ARMGCC). Ensure to deselect the other kits before you click Configure Project.
  2. Select File > New File to add a new C++ Class to the project. Name the new class as UICommunicator and enter Qul::Singleton as its base class.

  3. Click Next and choose the correct project (your project name) from the list before you click Finish.

  4. Click Yes in the resulting pop-up window to copy the source file names and append them to the qul_add_target... line in CMakeLists.txt:
    qul_add_target(<project-name> uicommunicator.h uicommunicator.cpp)

    In addition, add the following line:

    qul_target_generate_interfaces(<project-name> uicommunicator.h)
  5. Navigate to uicommunicator.h either using the Header Files section in the Projects pane, or the File System view (switch from "Projects" view on the upper-left corner). Replace the entire file contents with the following:
    ** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
    ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
    ** This file is part of the Qt Quick Ultralite module.
    ** Commercial License Usage
    ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
    ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
    ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
    ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
    ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
    ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
    #include <qul/singleton.h>
    #include <qul/property.h>
    #include <qul/eventqueue.h>
    struct UICommunicator : public Qul::Singleton<UICommunicator>
        friend struct Qul::Singleton<UICommunicator>;
        enum Command { LED1State };
        Qul::Property<bool> led1Status;
        void sendFromUI(Command command, bool commandData);
        void receiveToUI(Command command, bool commandData);
        UICommunicator(const UICommunicator &);
        UICommunicator &operator=(const UICommunicator &);
    struct CommandEvent
        UICommunicator::Command command;
        bool commandData;
    class CommandEventQueue : public Qul::EventQueue<struct CommandEvent, Qul::EventQueueOverrunPolicy_Discard, 10>
        void onEvent(const CommandEvent &commandEvent);
    #endif // UICOMMUNICATOR_H

    The header declares the UICommunicator struct, which inherits Qul::Singleton, making it safe to call in a C++ code. For more information, refer to the Singleton class reference.

    The header also declares the Command enum that contains a list of commands, and the CommandEventQueue to manage the queue. In addition, it declares the led1Status property to indicate the status of the on-board blue LED. This exposes the property to the QML context, which uses it to determine the color of the button.

    The UICommunicator class contains the sendFromUI and receiveToUI functions to send and receive commands. It uses the CommandEventQueue to communicate with the UI thread in a thread-safe way. Instead of calling receiveToUI from the application thread, adds the commands to the CommandEventQueue, which gets processed by the QUL thread to call receiveToUI.

  6. Replace the code in uicommunicator.cpp with the following:
    ** Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
    ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
    ** This file is part of the Qt Quick Ultralite module.
    ** Commercial License Usage
    ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
    ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
    ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
    ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
    ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
    ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
    #include "uicommunicator.h"
    extern void sendCommandToAppThread(bool led1Status);
    void UICommunicator::sendFromUI(Command command, bool commandData)
    void UICommunicator::receiveToUI(Command command, bool commandData)
        switch (command) {
        case LED1State:
    void CommandEventQueue::onEvent(const CommandEvent &commandEvent)
        UICommunicator::instance().receiveToUI(commandEvent.command, commandEvent.commandData);
    static CommandEventQueue commandEventQueue;
    void sendToUI(bool led1Data)
        CommandEvent commandEvent;
        commandEvent.command = UICommunicator::LED1State;
        commandEvent.commandData = led1Data;

    When you create the e2 Studio project in the next topic, move the extern symbol. For now, you need it here to ensure the UI project compiles.

    The UICommunicator class sets led1Status to false. Its sendFromUI() member function sends a bool value to the application thread. The receiveToUI() member function updates the property depending command argument.

    The CommandEventQueue class overrides the onEvent() function. It calls receiveToUI() on the UICommunicator instance, with the command and commandData parameters.

    In addition, the UICommunicator class creates a static instance of CommandEventQueue. The sendToUI() function constructs a CommandEvent from the given bool value, and adds it to the commandEventQueue for processing. The application thread calls sendToUI() function when the LED1's state changes.

  7. Connect an RA6M3G board to your computer and use Qt Creator to build, flash, and run the project in its current state:
    • Replace the extern keyword at the beginning of uicommunicator.cpp with a no-op (empty) function, and save.
    • Select the RA6 kit in the sub-menu that appears on clicking Debug in the bottom-left corner.
    • Click the green arrow below Debug, to build and flash the application onto the device, and run.
  8. Make necessary changes to the CMake project file to build it as a static library:
    • Edit CMakeLists.txt to append the STATIC_LIBRARY argument to the qul_add_target function call. The qul_add_target line should look like this after the changes:
      qul_add_target(<project-name> STATIC_LIBRARY  uicommunicator.h uicommunicator.cpp)
    • Build your project against the Qt for MCUs 2.3 - EK-RA6M3G-BAREMETAL 16bpp (ARMGCC) kit.

After a successful build, you should see the static library and qul_run.h C++ header in the build directory.

Note: Qt Creator builds a project in a directory that is parallel to the source directory. The build directory name depends on the project name, kit, and the build type (debug or release). For example, a debug build of project Foo against the Qt for MCUs 2.3 - Desktop kit, should have build-Foo-Qt_for_MCUs_2_3_Desktop_32bpp_Debug as its build directory.

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