Qt Quick Ultralite Automotive Cluster Demo


The MIT License(MIT)

Embedded Template Library.

Copyright(c) 2014 jwellbelove

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.



///\defgroup algorithm algorithm
/// Reverse engineered algorithms from C++ 0x11
/// Additional new variants of certain algorithms.
///\ingroup utilities

#include "stl/algorithm.h"
#include "stl/utility.h"
#include "stl/iterator.h"
#include "stl/functional.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include "platform.h"
#include "iterator.h"
#include "type_traits.h"

namespace etl
  /// Finds the greatest and the smallest element in the range (begin, end).<br>
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/minmax_element"></a>
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TCompare>
  std::pair<TIterator, TIterator> minmax_element(TIterator begin,
                                                 TIterator end,
                                                 TCompare  compare)
    TIterator minimum = begin;
    TIterator maximum = begin;

    while (begin != end)
      if (compare(*begin, *minimum))
        minimum = begin;

      if (compare(*maximum, *begin))
        maximum = begin;


    return std::pair<TIterator, TIterator>(minimum, maximum);

  /// minmax_element
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/minmax_element"></a>
  template <typename TIterator>
  std::pair<TIterator, TIterator> minmax_element(TIterator begin,
                                                 TIterator end)
      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TIterator>::value_type value_t;

      return etl::minmax_element(begin, end, std::less<value_t>());

  /// minmax
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/minmax"></a>
  template <typename T>
  std::pair<const T&, const T&> minmax(const T& a,
                                       const T& b)
    return (b < a) ? std::pair<const T&, const T&>(b, a) : std::pair<const T&, const T&>(a, b);

  /// minmax
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/minmax"></a>
  template <typename T,
            typename TCompare>
  std::pair<const T&, const T&> minmax(const T& a,
                                       const T& b,
                                       TCompare compare)
    return compare(b, a) ? std::pair<const T&, const T&>(b, a) : std::pair<const T&, const T&>(a, b);

  /// is_sorted_until
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_sorted_until"></a>
  template <typename TIterator>
  TIterator is_sorted_until(TIterator begin,
                            TIterator end)
    if (begin != end)
      TIterator next = begin;

      while (++next != end)
        if (*next < *begin)
          return next;


    return end;

  /// is_sorted_until
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_sorted_until"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TCompare>
  TIterator is_sorted_until(TIterator begin,
                            TIterator end,
                            TCompare  compare)
    if (begin != end)
      TIterator next = begin;

      while (++next != end)
        if (compare(*next, *begin))
          return next;


    return end;

  /// is_sorted
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_sorted"></a>
  template<typename TIterator>
  bool is_sorted(TIterator begin,
                 TIterator end)
    return etl::is_sorted_until(begin, end) == end;

  /// is_sorted
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_sorted"></a>
  template<typename TIterator,
           typename TCompare>
  bool is_sorted(TIterator begin,
                 TIterator end,
                 TCompare  compare)
    return etl::is_sorted_until(begin, end, compare) == end;

  /// copy
  /// A form of copy where the smallest of the two ranges is used.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  /// Specialisation for random access iterators.
  ///\param i_begin Beginning of the input range.
  ///\param i_end   End of the input range.
  ///\param o_begin Beginning of the output range.
  ///\param o_end   End of the output range.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TOutputIterator>
  typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator>::value &&
                          etl::is_random_iterator<TOutputIterator>::value, TOutputIterator>::type
   copy(TInputIterator  i_begin,
        TInputIterator  i_end,
        TOutputIterator o_begin,
        TOutputIterator o_end)
      size_t s_size = std::distance(i_begin, i_end);
      size_t d_size = std::distance(o_begin, o_end);
      size_t size   = (s_size < d_size) ? s_size : d_size;

      return std::copy(i_begin, i_begin + size, o_begin);

  /// copy
  /// A form of copy where the smallest of the two ranges is used.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  /// Specialisation for non random access iterators.
  ///\param i_begin Beginning of the input range.
  ///\param i_end   End of the input range.
  ///\param o_begin Beginning of the output range.
  ///\param o_end   End of the output range.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TOutputIterator>
  typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator>::value ||
                          !etl::is_random_iterator<TOutputIterator>::value, TOutputIterator>::type
   copy(TInputIterator  i_begin,
        TInputIterator  i_end,
        TOutputIterator o_begin,
        TOutputIterator o_end)
    while ((i_begin != i_end) && (o_begin != o_end))
      *o_begin++ = *i_begin++;

    return o_begin;

  /// copy_n (Random input iterators)
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/copy_n"></a>
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator>
  typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator>::value, TOutputIterator>::type
   copy_n(TInputIterator  i_begin,
          TSize           n,
          TOutputIterator o_begin)
    return std::copy(i_begin, i_begin + n, o_begin);

  /// copy_n (Non-random input iterators)
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/copy_n"></a>
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator>
  typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator>::value, TOutputIterator>::type
   copy_n(TInputIterator  i_begin,
          TSize           n,
          TOutputIterator o_begin)
    while (n-- > 0)
      *o_begin++ = *i_begin++;

    return o_begin;

  /// copy_n
  /// A form of copy_n where the smallest of the two ranges is used.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator>
  TOutputIterator copy_n(TInputIterator  i_begin,
                         TSize           n,
                         TOutputIterator o_begin,
                         TOutputIterator o_end)
    while ((n-- > 0) && (o_begin != o_end))
      *o_begin++ = *i_begin++;

    return o_begin;

  /// copy_n
  /// A form of copy_n where the smallest of the two ranges is used.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize1,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TSize2>
  TOutputIterator copy_n(TInputIterator  i_begin,
                         TSize1          n1,
                         TOutputIterator o_begin,
                         TSize2          n2)
    while ((n1-- > 0) && (n2-- > 0))
      *o_begin++ = *i_begin++;

    return o_begin;

  /// copy_if
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/copy"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator copy_if(TIterator       begin,
                          TIterator       end,
                          TOutputIterator out,
                          TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (predicate(*begin))
        *out++ = *begin;


    return out;

  /// copy_if
  /// A form of copy_if where it terminates when the first end iterator is reached.
  /// There is currently no STL equivelent.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator copy_if(TInputIterator  i_begin,
                          TInputIterator  i_end,
                          TOutputIterator o_begin,
                          TOutputIterator o_end,
                          TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while ((i_begin != i_end) && (o_begin != o_end))
      if (predicate(*i_begin))
        *o_begin++ = *i_begin;


    return o_begin;

  /// copy_n_if
  /// Combination of copy_n and copy_if.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator copy_n_if(TInputIterator  i_begin,
                            TSize           n,
                            TOutputIterator o_begin,
                            TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (n-- > 0)
      if (predicate(*i_begin))
        *o_begin++ = *i_begin;


    return o_begin;

  /// binary_find
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  /// Does a binary search and returns an iterator to the value or end if not found.
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TValue>
    TIterator binary_find(TIterator     begin,
                          TIterator     end,
                          const TValue& value)
    TIterator it = std::lower_bound(begin, end, value);

    if ((it == end) || (*it != value))
      it = end;

    return it;

  /// binary_find
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  /// Does a binary search and returns an iterator to the value or end if not found.
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TValue,
            typename TBinaryPredicate,
            typename TBinaryEquality>
    TIterator binary_find(TIterator        begin,
                          TIterator        end,
                          const TValue&    value,
                          TBinaryPredicate predicate,
                          TBinaryEquality  equality)
    TIterator it = std::lower_bound(begin, end, value, predicate);

    if ((it == end) || !equality(*it, value))
      it = end;

    return it;

  /// find_if_not
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/find"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TIterator find_if_not(TIterator       begin,
                        TIterator       end,
                        TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (!predicate(*begin))
        return begin;


    return end;

  /// all_of
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/all_any_none_of"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  bool all_of(TIterator       begin,
              TIterator       end,
              TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    return etl::find_if_not(begin, end, predicate) == end;

  /// any_of
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/all_any_none_of"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  bool any_of(TIterator       begin,
              TIterator       end,
              TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    return std::find_if(begin, end, predicate) != end;

  /// none_of
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/all_any_none_of"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  bool none_of(TIterator       begin,
               TIterator       end,
               TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    return std::find_if(begin, end, predicate) == end;

  /// is_permutation
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_permutation"></a>
  template <typename TIterator1,
            typename TIterator2>
  bool is_permutation(TIterator1 begin1,
                      TIterator1 end1,
                      TIterator2 begin2)
    if (begin1 != end1)
      TIterator2 end2 = begin2;

      std::advance(end2, std::distance(begin1, end1));

      for (TIterator1 i = begin1; i != end1; ++i)
        if (i == std::find(begin1, i, *i))
          size_t n = std::count(begin2, end2, *i);

          if (n == 0 || size_t(std::count(i, end1, *i)) != n)
            return false;

    return true;

  /// is_permutation
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_permutation"></a>
  template <typename TIterator1,
            typename TIterator2>
  bool is_permutation(TIterator1 begin1,
                      TIterator1 end1,
                      TIterator2 begin2,
                      TIterator2 end2)
    if (begin1 != end1)
      for (TIterator1 i = begin1; i != end1; ++i)
        if (i == std::find(begin1, i, *i))
          size_t n = std::count(begin2, end2, *i);

          if (n == 0 || size_t(std::count(i, end1, *i)) != n)
            return false;

    return true;

  /// is_permutation
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_permutation"></a>
  template <typename TIterator1,
            typename TIterator2,
            typename TBinaryPredicate>
  bool is_permutation(TIterator1       begin1,
                      TIterator1       end1,
                      TIterator2       begin2,
                      TBinaryPredicate predicate)
    if (begin1 != end1)
      TIterator2 end2 = begin2;

      std::advance(end2, std::distance(begin1, end1));

      for (TIterator1 i = begin1; i != end1; ++i)
#if ETL_CPP11_SUPPORTED && !defined(ETL_NO_STL)
        if (i == std::find_if(begin1, i, std::bind(predicate, *i, std::placeholders::_1)))
        if (i == std::find_if(begin1, i, std::bind1st(predicate, *i)))
          size_t n = std::count(begin2, end2, *i);

          if (n == 0 || size_t(std::count(i, end1, *i)) != n)
            return false;

    return true;

  /// is_permutation
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_permutation"></a>
  template <typename TIterator1,
            typename TIterator2,
            typename TBinaryPredicate>
  bool is_permutation(TIterator1       begin1,
                      TIterator1       end1,
                      TIterator2       begin2,
                      TIterator2       end2,
                      TBinaryPredicate predicate)
    if (begin1 != end1)
      for (TIterator1 i = begin1; i != end1; ++i)
#if ETL_CPP11_SUPPORTED && !defined(ETL_NO_STL)
        if (i == std::find_if(begin1, i, std::bind(predicate, *i, std::placeholders::_1)))
        if (i == std::find_if(begin1, i, std::bind1st(predicate, *i)))
          size_t n = std::count(begin2, end2, *i);

          if (n == 0 || size_t(std::count(i, end1, *i)) != n)
            return false;

    return true;

  /// is_partitioned
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/is_partitioned"></a>
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  bool is_partitioned(TIterator       begin,
                      TIterator       end,
                      TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (!predicate(*begin++))

    while (begin != end)
      if (predicate(*begin++))
        return false;

    return true;

  /// partition_point
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/partition_point"></a>
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TIterator partition_point(TIterator       begin,
                            TIterator       end,
                            TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (!predicate(*begin))
        return begin;


    return begin;

  /// Copies the elements from the range (begin, end) to two different ranges
  /// depending on the value returned by the predicate.<br>
  ///<a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/partition_copy"></a>
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TSource,
            typename TDestinationTrue,
            typename TDestinationFalse,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  std::pair<TDestinationTrue, TDestinationFalse> partition_copy(TSource           begin,
                                                                TSource           end,
                                                                TDestinationTrue  destination_true,
                                                                TDestinationFalse destination_false,
                                                                TUnaryPredicate   predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (predicate(*begin))
        *destination_true++ = *begin++;
        *destination_false++ = *begin++;

    return std::pair<TDestinationTrue, TDestinationFalse>(destination_true, destination_false);

  /// Like std::for_each but applies a predicate before calling the function.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TUnaryFunction,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TUnaryFunction for_each_if(TIterator       begin,
                             const TIterator end,
                             TUnaryFunction  function,
                             TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (predicate(*begin))


    return function;

  /// Like std::for_each but for 'n' iterations.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TUnaryFunction>
  TIterator for_each_n(TIterator       begin,
                       TSize           n,
                       TUnaryFunction  function)
    while (n-- > 0)

    return begin;

  /// Like std::for_each but applies a predicate before calling the function, for 'n' iterations
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TUnaryFunction,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TIterator for_each_n_if(TIterator       begin,
                          TSize           n,
                          TUnaryFunction  function,
                          TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (n-- > 0)
      if (predicate(*begin))


    return begin;

  /// A form of std::transform where the transform returns when the first range
  /// end is reached.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryFunction>
  void transform(TInputIterator  i_begin,
                 TInputIterator  i_end,
                 TOutputIterator o_begin,
                 TOutputIterator o_end,
                 TUnaryFunction  function)
    while ((i_begin != i_end) && (o_begin != o_end))
      *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin++);

  /// Transform 'n' items.
  /// Random iterators.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryFunction>
  typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator>::value, void>::type
   transform_n(TInputIterator  i_begin,
               TSize           n,
               TOutputIterator o_begin,
               TUnaryFunction  function)
    std::transform(i_begin, i_begin + n, o_begin, function);

  /// Transform 'n' items from two ranges.
  /// Random iterators.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator1,
            typename TInputIterator2,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TBinaryFunction>
  typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator1>::value &&
                          etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator2>::value, void>::type
   transform_n(TInputIterator1 i_begin1,
               TInputIterator2 i_begin2,
               TSize           n,
               TOutputIterator o_begin,
               TBinaryFunction function)
    std::transform(i_begin1, i_begin1 + n, i_begin2, o_begin, function);

  /// Transform 'n' items.
  /// Non-random iterators.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryFunction>
  typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator>::value, void>::type
   transform_n(TInputIterator  i_begin,
               TSize           n,
               TOutputIterator o_begin,
               TUnaryFunction  function)
    while (n > 0)
      *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin++);

  /// Transform 'n' items from two ranges.
  /// Non-random iterators.
  /// There is currently no STL equivalent.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator1,
            typename TInputIterator2,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TBinaryFunction>
  typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator1>::value ||
                          !etl::is_random_iterator<TInputIterator2>::value, void>::type
   transform_n(TInputIterator1 i_begin1,
               TInputIterator2 i_begin2,
               TSize           n,
               TOutputIterator o_begin,
               TBinaryFunction function)
    while (n > 0)
      *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin1++, *i_begin2++);

  /// Like std::transform but applies a predicate before calling the function.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryFunction,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator transform_if(TInputIterator       i_begin,
                               const TInputIterator i_end,
                               TOutputIterator      o_begin,
                               TUnaryFunction       function,
                               TUnaryPredicate      predicate)
    while (i_begin != i_end)
      if (predicate(*i_begin))
        *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin);


    return o_begin;

  /// Like etl::transform_if but inputs from two ranges.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator1,
            typename TInputIterator2,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TBinaryFunction,
            typename TBinaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator transform_if(TInputIterator1       i_begin1,
                               const TInputIterator1 i_end1,
                               TInputIterator2       i_begin2,
                               TOutputIterator       o_begin,
                               TBinaryFunction       function,
                               TBinaryPredicate      predicate)
    while (i_begin1 != i_end1)
      if (predicate(*i_begin1, *i_begin2))
        *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin1, *i_begin2);


    return o_begin;

  /// Like std::transform_if, for 'n' items.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TUnaryFunction,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator transform_n_if(TInputIterator  i_begin,
                                 TSize           n,
                                 TOutputIterator o_begin,
                                 TUnaryFunction  function,
                                 TUnaryPredicate predicate)
    while (n-- > 0)
      if (predicate(*i_begin))
        *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin);


    return o_begin;

  /// Like etl::transform_if but inputs from two ranges for 'n' items.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TInputIterator1,
            typename TInputIterator2,
            typename TSize,
            typename TOutputIterator,
            typename TBinaryFunction,
            typename TBinaryPredicate>
  TOutputIterator transform_n_if(TInputIterator1  i_begin1,
                                 TInputIterator2  i_begin2,
                                 TSize            n,
                                 TOutputIterator  o_begin,
                                 TBinaryFunction  function,
                                 TBinaryPredicate predicate)
    while (n-- > 0)
      if (predicate(*i_begin1, *i_begin2))
        *o_begin++ = function(*i_begin1, *i_begin2);


    return o_begin;

  /// Transforms the elements from the range (begin, end) to two different ranges
  /// depending on the value returned by the predicate.<br>
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TSource, typename TDestinationTrue, typename TDestinationFalse,
            typename TUnaryFunctionTrue, typename TUnaryFunctionFalse,
            typename TUnaryPredicate>
  std::pair<TDestinationTrue, TDestinationFalse> partition_transform(TSource             begin,
                                                                     TSource             end,
                                                                     TDestinationTrue    destination_true,
                                                                     TDestinationFalse   destination_false,
                                                                     TUnaryFunctionTrue  function_true,
                                                                     TUnaryFunctionFalse function_false,
                                                                     TUnaryPredicate     predicate)
    while (begin != end)
      if (predicate(*begin))
        *destination_true++ = function_true(*begin++);
        *destination_false++ = function_false(*begin++);

    return std::pair<TDestinationTrue, TDestinationFalse>(destination_true, destination_false);

  /// Transforms the elements from the ranges (begin1, end1) & (begin2)
  /// to two different ranges depending on the value returned by the predicate.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TSource1,
            typename TSource2,
            typename TDestinationTrue,
            typename TDestinationFalse,
            typename TBinaryFunctionTrue,
            typename TBinaryFunctionFalse,
            typename TBinaryPredicate>
  std::pair<TDestinationTrue, TDestinationFalse> partition_transform(TSource1             begin1,
                                                                     TSource1             end1,
                                                                     TSource2             begin2,
                                                                     TDestinationTrue     destination_true,
                                                                     TDestinationFalse    destination_false,
                                                                     TBinaryFunctionTrue  function_true,
                                                                     TBinaryFunctionFalse function_false,
                                                                     TBinaryPredicate     predicate)
    while (begin1 != end1)
      if (predicate(*begin1, *begin2))
        *destination_true++ = function_true(*begin1++, *begin2++);
        *destination_false++ = function_false(*begin1++, *begin2++);

    return std::pair<TDestinationTrue, TDestinationFalse>(destination_true, destination_false);

  /// Sorts the elements using shell sort.
  /// Uses users defined comparison.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator, typename TCompare>
  void sort(TIterator first, TIterator last, TCompare compare)
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TIterator>::difference_type difference_t;

    difference_t n = std::distance(first, last);

    for (difference_t i = n / 2; i > 0; i /= 2)
      for (difference_t j = i; j < n; ++j)
        for (difference_t k = j - i; k >= 0; k -= i)
          TIterator itr1 = first;
          TIterator itr2 = first;

          std::advance(itr1, k);
          std::advance(itr2, k + i);

          if (compare(*itr2, *itr1))
            std::iter_swap(itr1, itr2);

  /// Sorts the elements using shell sort.
  ///\ingroup algorithm
  template <typename TIterator>
  void sort(TIterator first, TIterator last)
    etl::sort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<TIterator>::value_type>());
