Flashing Application

A Qt Quick Ultralite application can be flashed onto the target hardware using vendor-specific tools. For example, the ST boards need STM Cube Programmer to flash your application. See Prerequisites to ensure that you have the necessary tools before you flash.

Bootloader image

Some of the target boards also need a bootloader image before you could flash your application onto them. If your hardware is one of those, refer to one of the following for instructions to flash a bootloader:

Bootloader Flashing Instructions for Infineon boards

Provides instructions to flash bootloader image

Bootloader Flashing Instructions for ST boards

Provides instructions to flash bootloader image

Application binary

When your is ready to be tested on the target hardware, refer to one of the following for instructions:

Flashing Instructions for Infineon boards

Provides instructions to flash your application

Flashing Instructions for NXP boards

Provides instructions to flash your application

Flashing Instructions for Renesas boards

Provides instructions to flash your application

Flashing Instructions for ST boards

Provides instructions to flash your application

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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