Qt Quick Ultralite shapes Example

Demonstrates how to use shapes in Qt Quick Ultralite.


This example shows how to use the Shape and ShapePath APIs in QML.

Target platforms

Project structure

The shapes example consists of 11 files, CMakeLists.txt, mcu_shapes.qmlproject, shapes.qml, ArcDirection.qml, ArcRotation.qml, CapStyles.qml, CubicCurve.qml, FillRules.qml, JoinStyles.qml, LargeSmallArc.qml, QuadraticCurve.qml, and ShapesEntry.qml.

CMake project file

The CMake project file contains a basic build script.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.21.1)

project(shapes VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES C CXX ASM)
if (NOT TARGET Qul::Core)

if(QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^mimxrt1170-evkb")
    set(SHAPES_SELECTORS "mimxrt1170-evkb")
elseif(QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^tviic2d.*")
    set(SHAPES_SELECTORS "traveo-t2g")

                QML_PROJECT mcu_shapes.qmlproject
QmlProject file

The QmlProject file includes the required Qml files and modules

import QmlProject 1.3

Project {
        mainFile: "shapes.qml"

        QmlFiles {
                files: [

        ModuleFiles {
                MCU.qulModules: ["Shapes"]

ArcDirection.qml demonstrates the PathArc direction property.

Shape {
    width: 100
    height: 100
    anchors.centerIn: parent

    scale: root.shapeScale

    ShapePath {
        fillColor: "transparent"
        strokeColor: index === 1 ? "red" : "blue"
        strokeWidth: 4

        startX: 4; startY: 4
        PathArc {
            id: arc
            x: 96; y: 96
            radiusX: 100; radiusY: 100
            direction: index === 1 ? PathArc.Clockwise : PathArc.Counterclockwise

ArcRotation.qml demonstrates the PathArc xAxisRotation property.

Shape {
    width: 200
    height: 200
    anchors.centerIn: parent

    scale: root.shapeScale

    ShapePath {
        fillColor: "transparent"
        strokeColor: index === 1 ? "red" : "blue"
        strokeWidth: 4

        startX: 50; startY: 100
        PathArc {
            x: 150; y: 100
            radiusX: 50; radiusY: 20
            xAxisRotation: index === 1 ? 0 : 45
Shape {
    width: 200
    height: 200
    anchors.centerIn: parent

    scale: root.shapeScale

    ShapePath {
        fillColor: "transparent"
        strokeColor: index === 1 ? "red" : "blue"

        startX: 50; startY: 100
        PathArc {
            x: 150; y: 100
            radiusX: 50; radiusY: 20
            xAxisRotation: index === 1 ? 0 : 45
            direction: PathArc.Counterclockwise

CapStyles.qml demonstrates the ShapePath capStyle property.

Shape {
    anchors.centerIn: parent
    width: 200
    height: 100

    scale: root.shapeScale

    ShapePath {
        id: capTest

        strokeColor: "black"
        strokeWidth: 20
        fillColor: "transparent"

        property int capStyleIdx: 0
        capStyle: style(capTest.capStyleIdx)

        startX: 50; startY: 30
        PathSvg { path: "Q 10 80 60 80 L 140 80 Q 190 80 150 30" }

CubicCurve.qml demonstrates PathCubic element.

Shape {
    id: shape
    anchors.fill: parent

    ShapePath {
        strokeWidth: 4 * root.shapeScale
        strokeColor: "black"
        fillColor: "#55ff7788"

        startX: 50 * root.shapeScale
        startY: 150 * root.shapeScale
        PathCubic {
            x: 150 * root.shapeScale
            y: 150 * root.shapeScale
            control1X: cp1.x; control1Y: cp1.y
            control2X: cp2.x; control2Y: cp2.y

FillRules.qml demonstrates the ShapePath fillRule property.

Shape {
    width: 100
    height: 100
    scale: 1.4 * root.shapeScale
    anchors.centerIn: parent
    ShapePath {
        id: star
        strokeColor: "blue"
        fillColor: "#55ff7788"
        strokeWidth: 3
        capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap
        joinStyle: ShapePath.RoundJoin
        PathMove { x: 90; y: 50 }
        PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 1 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 1 * Math.PI) }
        PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 2 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 2 * Math.PI) }
        PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 3 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 3 * Math.PI) }
        PathLine { x: 50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * 4 * Math.PI); y: 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * 4 * Math.PI) }
        PathLine { x: 90; y: 50 }
    NumberAnimation on rotation {
        from: 0
        to: 360
        duration: 5000
        loops: Animation.Infinite

JoinStyles.qml demonstrates the ShapePath joinStyle property.

Shape {
    anchors.centerIn: parent
    width: 120
    height: 120

    scale: root.shapeScale

    ShapePath {
        id: joinTest

        strokeColor: "black"
        strokeWidth: 16
        fillColor: "transparent"
        capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap

        property int joinStyleIdx: 0
        joinStyle: style(joinStyleIdx)

        startX: 30
        startY: 30
        PathLine { x: 100; y: 100 }
        PathLine { x: 30; y: 100 }

LargeSmallArc.qml demonstrates the PathArc useLargeArc property.

Shape {
    width: 200
    height: 200
    anchors.centerIn: parent

    scale: root.shapeScale

    ShapePath {
        fillColor: "transparent"
        strokeColor: index === 0 ? "red" : "blue"
        strokeWidth: 4

        startX: 50; startY: 100
        PathArc {
            x: 100; y: 150
            radiusX: 50; radiusY: 50
            useLargeArc: index === 1

QuadraticCurve.qml demonstrates PathQuad element.

Shape {
    id: shape
    width: parent.width
    height: 100
    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

    ShapePath {
        strokeWidth: 4 * root.shapeScale
        strokeColor: "black"
        fillColor: "#55ff7788"

        startX: 50 * root.shapeScale
        startY: 100 * root.shapeScale
        closed: true
        PathQuad {
            x: 150 * root.shapeScale
            y: 100 * root.shapeScale
            controlX: cp.x; controlY: cp.y


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