What's New in 1.5
Changes in 1.5
New features
- Added documentation on porting Qt Quick Ultralite to new platforms, see the Qt Quick Ultralite Platform Porting Guide.
- Added Image and ImageProvider APIs. Use them to register image providers for "image://provider/location" URLs and to display images that are loaded at runtime. See the image_loading example.
- Added the MCU.Config.defaultFontFamily and QUL_FONTS_DIR CMake target properties. Using the CMake variables of the same name is now deprecated.
- Added SDK v2.8.0 support for NXP MIMXRT1050-EVKB, MIMXRT1060-EVK, and MIMXRT1064-EVK.
- Added 24bpp color depth support for NXP RT1050, RT1060, and RT1064. This requires platform adaptation for screen support though.
Source compatibility breaks
- Flickable's contentX and contentY properties have flipped sign: Positive values move the content right or down respectively. This matches the behavior in Qt Quick's Flickable.
Fixed issues
- Fixed redraw bug on the desktop backend (QTMCU-7)
- Fixed bug that prevented anchors on the root item of a QML file from working.
- Use of the rotation, scale, and transformOrigin properties in the root item of a QML file works now.
CMake API no longer require adding additional include directories usingtarget_include_directories
New APIs
APIs for application development
New Classes
- I
- Image (Qul)
- ImageProvider (Qul)
- ImageWriteGuard (Qul)
- S
- SharedImage (Qul)
APIs for platform development
New Classes
New Member Functions
Class Texture:
const unsigned char * | data() const |
New Global Functions
void | blendRectTiled(Qul::PlatformInterface::DrawingDevice *buffer, const Qul::PlatformInterface::Rect &rect, Qul::PlatformInterface::Rgba32 color, void (*)() finish, void (*)(void *, int) invalidateCache) |
void | blendRectTiledAlphaMap(Qul::PlatformInterface::DrawingDevice *buffer, const Qul::PlatformInterface::Rect &rect, Qul::PlatformInterface::Rgba32 color, void (*)() finish, void (*)(void *, int) invalidateCache) |
void | handleKeyEvent(uint64_t timestamp, Qul::PlatformInterface::KeyEventType type, int key, uint32_t nativeScanCode = 0, unsigned int modifiers = NoKeyboardModifier, const char *textUtf8 = NULL, bool autoRepeat = false) |
void | handleTouchCancelEvent(Qul::PlatformInterface::Screen *screen, uint64_t timestamp) |
void | handleTouchEvent(Qul::PlatformInterface::Screen *screen, uint64_t timestamp, const Qul::PlatformInterface::TouchPoint *touchPoints, unsigned int numTouchPoints) |
void | init16bppRendering() |
void | init24bppRendering() |
void | init32bppRendering() |
void | printHeapStats() |
void | printStackStats() |
void | qul_free(void *ptr) |
void * | qul_malloc(std::size_t size) |
void * | qul_realloc(void *ptr, std::size_t new_size) |
void | updateEngine(uint64_t timestamp) |
New Enum Types
enum | FrameBufferingType { SingleBuffering, FlippedDoubleBuffering, CopyingDoubleBuffering, PartialBuffering, OtherBuffering } |
enum | KeyEventType { KeyPressEvent, KeyReleaseEvent } |
enum | KeyboardModifier { NoKeyboardModifier, ShiftKeyboardModifier, ControlKeyboardModifier, AltKeyboardModifier, MetaKeyboardModifier, …, GroupSwitchKeyboardModifier } |
enum | BlendMode { BlendMode_SourceOver, BlendMode_Source } |
enum | Flags { NoTextureFlags, Swizzled, PartiallyOverlaps, NeedsCachedLoadFromSlowMemory, PaddedWithTransparency, …, LoadFromFile } |
enum | State { Pressed, Moved, Stationary, Released } |
New Variables
int | refreshDelta |
int | remainingBudget |
float | areaX |
float | areaY |
int | id |
int | positionX |
int | positionY |
float | pressure |
float | rotation |
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