Infineon TRAVEO™ T2G quick start guide

Qt for MCUs offers all the necessary tools to design, develop, build, and deploy your application onto the target.

Note: The instructions in this guide are relevant for the Infineon TRAVEO™ T2G CYT3DL and CYT4DN reference platforms.


Before you begin, install the prerequisites on your Windows host.

Note: Qt for MCUs requires a license. If you do not have one, request a free trial at https://www.qt.io/contact-us/request-a-free-trial.

Common prerequisites

Install the common prerequisites using Qt Online Installer, which is available for download from your Qt account. Use the pre-made MCU development installation preset and select the Infineon TRAVEO™ T2G eval kits in Qt Online Installer:

In addition to the Infineon TRAVEO™ T2G eval kits, the pre-made MCU development installation package installs the following common prerequisites automatically:

  • Qt for MCUs SDK v2.6 or newer
  • Qt Design Studio v4.3 or newer
  • Qt Creator v9.0.0 or newer
  • CMake 3.21.1 or newer
  • Ninja 1.10.0 or newer

Reference platform -specific tools

In addition to the common prerequisites, install the following tools as they are not offered by Qt Online Installer:

  • Contact your local Infineon sales or distributor, or contact Qt Support to get access to the following software:
    • For TRAVEO™ T2G TVII-C-2D-4M-216-SET
      • Graphics Driver for TRAVEO™ T2G Cluster Series V1.2.1, including the SRC and SDK packages.
    • For TRAVEO™ T2G TVII-C-2D-6M-327-SET:
      • Graphics Driver for TRAVEO™ T2G Cluster Series V2.1.0, including the SRC and SDK packages.
    • Infineon Auto Flash Utility 1.4 to be able to flash the built executables to the device.
  • Get these tools from Green Hills Software:
    • Green Hills Software MULTI IDE v7.1.6 for Embedded ARM
    • Green Hills Software compiler for Embedded ARM version 2017.1.4

Note: Infineon TRAVEO™ T2G prebuilt libraries are built using the GHS 2017.1.4 compiler. To use a different compiler version you have to rebuild the Qt Quick Ultralite libraries. See Building Qt Quick Ultralite from sources for more information.


The guide includes several topics, describing the process with step-by-step instructions for the following tasks:


The following links give some useful references that you could use to get more insight into Qt for MCUs.

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