Configures the resource storage section for the font files.
The fontFilesStorageSection
property, names a resource storage section for the pre-rasterized glyph data. It is set to "QulFontResourceData"
by default. Any string is accepted.
The MCU.Config.fontFilesCachePolicy and MCU.Config.fontFilesRuntimeAllocationType can be set for copying the pre-rasterized glyph data to RAM for faster access.
See Text Rendering and Fonts for font engine-specific details.
This property is accepted in the main application .qmlproject
file, or BoardDefaults.qmlprojectconfig
for the target platform. It takes a string, and the default value is "QulFontResourceData"
Code example:
MCU.Config { fontFilesStorageSection: "UserStorage1" }
This property was introduced in QmlProject API 1.3.
See also MCU.Config.fontFilesRuntimeAllocationType, MCU.Config.fontFilesCachePolicy, Text Rendering and Fonts, and Text Rendering and Fonts.
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