Creating a platform kit file for QtCreator
file is used to create a platform kit in the Qt Creator IDE. It represents a target in Qt Creator terms.
Note: This file is only required if you are going to use the Qt Creator IDE.
Note: Custom compilers are not supported in Qt Creator.
Main elements of the kit's JSON file are:
Attribute | Description |
qulVersion | Qt Quick Ultralite version the platform is built against. By default, this is set to @CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION@ . |
platform | Object containing the platform's name, a list of supported color depths, the vendor/manufacturer name and 3rd party packages. |
toolchain | Object containing the details about the toolchain that the platform uses. This is split into two objects - compiler and file. The former helps finding the compiler and the latter contains the location of the toolchain's CMake file Using a custom toolchain. |
boardSdk | Object containing details of the SDK the platform uses. |
freeRTOS | Object containing details of the FreeRTOS support of the platform. This part is not present in baremetal devices. |
The JSON file contains a collection of json objects used by Qt Creator to create the kit. Each object represents a 3rd party dependency (package) and holds a path to the dependency. The path will later be forwarded to different outputs:
- A cmake variable used to configure the project (e.g. -DFREERTOS_DIR=<path>)
- A directory that will be added to PATH environment variable
The package value can be read by QtCreator from the folowing locations, in order:
- Qt Creator settings.
- The correspoding Environmental variable (
). - The
defined in the json file.
In summary the packages required for a correct kit to be generated are:
- Platform's 3rd party packages (cmakeEntries array).
- The toolchain packages (a compiler and a toolchain file).
- BoardSdk package
- FreeRTOS package (when applicable)
Each package has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
cmakeVar | Output cmake variable |
setting | QtCreator setting name which should be set by Qt Online Installer. |
envVar | Environment variable name to override value from settings. |
label | Label shown in UI of the MCU support plugin (Edit -> Preferences -> Devices -> MCU) |
defaultValue | Default value that is used when setting or environment variable is not set. Split into separate values for windows and linux. |
versions | List of versions that are supported. |
versionDetection | Information used for version detection. |
validation | Path suffix used to validate the package. |
The platform json kit file can be validated using a schema file found in $QUL_ROOT/kits/schemas/
and a jsonschema validation tool of choice, an online solution can be found here. The schemas are using the Draft-2020-12 specification. Currently only "schema-2.3" is provided to validate kits that works with QtMCUs 2.3.0 and higher.
Example JSON kit files
Here is an example JSON file (example-baremetal.json
{ "qulVersion": "@CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION@", "compatVersion": "@COMPATIBILITY_VERSION@", "platform": { "colorDepths": [ 16 ], "id": "EXAMPLE-BAREMETAL", "vendor": "Vendor Name" }, "toolchain": { "id": "armgcc", "versions": [ "12.3.1" ], "compiler": { "id": "ARMGCC_DIR", "label": "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain", "cmakeVar": "QUL_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_DIR", "envVar": "ARMGCC_DIR", "setting": "GNUArmEmbeddedToolchain", "type": "path", "optional": false, "versionDetection": { "filePattern": { "windows": "bin/arm-none-eabi-g++.exe", "linux": "bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" }, "executableArgs": "--version", "regex": "\\b(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)\\b" }, "detectionPath": { "windows": "bin/arm-none-eabi-g++.exe", "linux": "bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" } }, "file": { "id": "ARMGCC_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", "cmakeVar": "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", "type": "file", "defaultValue": "%{Qul_ROOT}//lib/cmake/Qul/toolchain/armgcc.cmake", "visible": false, "optional": false } }, "boardSdk": { "versions": [ "1.16.0" ], "id": "EXAMPLE_SDK_DIR", "label": "Board SDK", "cmakeVar": "QUL_BOARD_SDK_DIR", "type": "path", "optional": false } }
Here is the JSON file for the IAR compiler. It has a few differences compared to the previous example:
{ "qulVersion": "@CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION@", "compatVersion": "@COMPATIBILITY_VERSION@", "platform": { "id": "EXAMPLE-BAREMETAL", "vendor": "Vendor Name", "colorDepths": [ 16 ] }, "toolchain": { "id": "iar", "versions": [ "9.40.1" ], "compiler": { "id": "IARToolchain", "setting": "IARToolchain", "envVar": "IAR_ARM_COMPILER_DIR", "label": "IAR ARM Compiler", "cmakeVar": "QUL_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_DIR", "type": "path", "versionDetection": { "filePattern": { "windows": "bin/iccarm.exe", "linux": "bin/iccarm" }, "executableArgs": "--version", "regex": "\\bV(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)\\.\\d+\\b" }, "detectionPath": { "windows": "bin/iccarm.exe", "linux": "bin/iccarm" }, "defaultValue": { "windows": "%{Env:PROGRAMFILES}/IAR Systems/Embedded Workbench 9.2/arm", "linux": "/opt/iarsystems/bxarm-9.40.1/arm" }, "optional": false }, "file": { "id": "IAR_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", "cmakeVar": "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", "type": "file", "defaultValue": "%{Qul_ROOT}/lib/cmake/Qul/toolchain/iar.cmake", "visible": false, "optional": false } }, "boardSdk": { "versions": [ "1.16.0" ], "id": "EXAMPLE_SDK_DIR", "label": "Board SDK", "cmakeVar": "QUL_BOARD_SDK_DIR", "type": "path", "optional": false } }
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