Qt Quick Ultralite Safe Renderer QML Types

The Qt Quick Ultralite Safe Renderer module provides QML types that are used for safety-critical items in Qt Quick Ultralite applications. It aims to be compatible with Qt Safe Renderer QML Types.

Note: Qt Safe Renderer is currently in Technical Preview status for Qt Quick Ultralite. A full Qt Safe Renderer support for Qt Quick Ultralite comes in the QSR 2.2 release.

Using the Module

To use the Qt Quick Ultralite Safe Renderer QML types, add Qul::SafeRenderer to the list of module files in your in your .qmlproject.

ModuleFiles {
    MCU.qulModules: ["Qul::SafeRenderer"]

After adding the module files, add the following import statement to your .qml file:

import QtQuickUltralite.SafeRenderer

Then, add the SafeRenderer Bitmap decoder to the image decoders:

// ...
#include <qul/imagedecoders/saferendererbitmapdecoder.h>

int main()

    static SafeRendererBitmapDecoder srbDecoder;

    Qul::Application app;
    // ...

Linking an Application to the CMake Target

Note: This step applies to deprecated CMake APIs only.

When using CMake projects, link your application to the Qul::SafeRenderer CMake target.

target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE Qul::SafeRenderer)

For more information on safety-critical items in Qt Quick Ultralite applications, see Creating an Qt Quick Ultralite application with safety-critical items.

QML Types


Provides a safety-critical QML image type that can be validated using Qt Safe Renderer's output verification


Provides a safety-critical QML picture type that can be validated using Qt Safe Renderer's output verification


Provides a safety-critical QML text type that can be validated using Qt Safe Renderer's output verification

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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