
Scaling factor for SVG images.


Scales SVG images to the desired scaling factor. The SVG images are scaled using the factor while processed by Qt Quick Ultralite Tools at compile time. You must set resourceEnableSVGScaling to true on all ImageFiles nodes that you want to scale for this property to have any effect.


This property is accepted in any context where its parent node is accepted. It takes a real number value, and the default value is 1.0.

Code example:

This property cannot be applied to a SVG resource unless its ImageFiles node has resourceEnableSVGScaling set to true as follows:

ImageFiles {
    files: ["image1.svg"]
    MCU.Experimental.resourceSVGScale: 0.5
    MCU.Experimental.resourceEnableSVGScaling: true

You can scale every SVG resource in a QmlProject file by defining this property in MCU.Config node. You can choose which SVG resource ImageFiles node will be affected by setting resourceEnableSVGScaling to true as follows:

MCU.Config {
    Experimental.resourceSVGScale: 0.5

ImageFiles {
    // "image1.svg" will be scaled by factor 0.5
    files: ["image1.svg"]
    MCU.Experimental.resourceEnableSVGScaling: true

ImageFiles {
    // "image2.svg" will not be scaled by factor 0.5
    files: ["image2.svg"]


This property was introduced in QmlProject API 2.9 .

See also resourceEnableSVGScaling.

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