Impact Analysis

This topic provides an impact analysis of the Qt Safe Renderer 2.0.1 bug fixes.

Impact Analysis of QSR-2045: Resolving Prebuilt Library Issues for QNX on Windows Hosts


This patch addresses a linker issue with the prebuilt QNX libraries for Windows host.

User Impact

There is no direct impact on end-users, as this change is specific to the continuous integration (CI) build process and does not affect the functionality or performance of the final product.


This patch only affects the CI build process. It has no impact on end-users.

Impact Analysis of QSR-2064: Resolving DRM Adaptation Initialization Issue in Linux Systems


Fixed DRM adaptation initialization issue in Linux systems.

Connector configuration check now breaks the loop when a successfully configured connector is found.

Exception is thrown only when no suitable connector is found.

User Impact

Improved performance for DRM adaptation initialization.

Removed misleading exception, providing clearer error messages.

Enhanced compatibility and stability for customers evaluating Qt Safe Renderer on Linux systems.


Review updated DRM adaptation code for Linux systems.

Test Qt Safe Renderer 2.0.1 with existing projects on Linux platforms and address potential issues.

Ensure DRM initialization behavior is as expected for Linux systems.

Impact Analysis of QSR-2068: Simplified Build Process for CalcCRC lib usage


This change modifies the implementation of the calccrc library used in the Qt Safe Renderer 2.0.1 module. The primary purpose is to enhance the library selection logic when building the project for different Qt versions than those provided by the prebuilt libraries.

The change centralizes library handling in calccrc.pri, which simplifies the build process by reducing redundancy in library handling across different parts of the codebase.

A stub library is provided for customers who do not require the CRC algorithm when using QSR on hardware other than Qualcomm Snapdragon. This ensures that other platforms can still use Qt Safe Renderer without unnecessary dependencies.

User Impact

Enhanced user experience due to increased flexibility and compatibility with various environments.


Review the changes and update the source codes. Rebuild the qtsaferenderer module.

See libcalccrc Library how use the stub library in case of using other than Qualcomm Snapdragon hardware.

Impact Analysis of QSR-2084: Safety Certification Requirements Clarification for Adaptation Libraries


This change adds cautionary comments to the source files in the Qt Safe Renderer adaptation module. The comments inform users about the safety certification requirements if they choose to include non-compliant parts in their projects. Additionally, the safety manual has been updated to clarify the certification requirements for these modules.

User Impact

This change has minimal impact on the overall safety of the project, as it only adds clarification to the safety certification requirements for adaptation modules in the source files and safety manual. The functional safety, system design, and architecture remain unchanged. Additionally, no new tests or verifications are required as a result of this update.


Update non-compliant code or follow cautionary guidelines for safety certification.

Impact Analysis of QSR-2086: Compiler error in RCar-3 reference adaptation


This commit modifies the FrameBuffer class constructor in the RCar-3 reference adaptation, ensuring proper data types for the constructor parameters. The change has no impact on the functional safety, software safety requirements, software architecture, or software unit design of the project. It is a necessary fix for a compiler error, which improves the overall code quality and maintainability.

User Impact

The end user will not notice any changes in functionality, as this commit neither introduces new features nor modifies existing ones. The purpose of the commit is to fix a compiler error and ensure that the software can be successfully built and run. This change specifically affects customers using the RCar-3 platform adaptation.


If you use the RCar-3 platform adaptation, update the codebase and rebuild the software to ensure the compiler error fix is properly implemented.

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