New Classes and Functions in Qt 5.2

This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 5.2. Links to new APIs in previous Qt 5 releases are found at the bottom of this page.

New Namespaces

namespace QBluetooth
namespace QtMac

New Classes

New Member Functions

Class QDir:

operator=(QDir &&other)

Class QFileInfo:

exists(const QString &file)
operator=(QFileInfo &&other)

Class QMetaType:

compare(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, int typeId, int *result)
convert(const void *from, int fromTypeId, void *to, int toTypeId)
debugStream(QDebug &dbg, const void *rhs, int typeId)
hasRegisteredComparators(int typeId)
hasRegisteredConverterFunction(int fromTypeId, int toTypeId)
hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator(int typeId)
registerConverter(MemberFunction function)
registerConverter(MemberFunctionOk function)
registerConverter(UnaryFunction function)

Class QJsonValue:

toInt(int defaultValue) const

Class QMimeType:

operator=(QMimeType &&other)

Class QObject:

connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type)

Class QPersistentModelIndex:

operator=(QPersistentModelIndex &&other)

Class QProcess:

inputChannelMode() const
setInputChannelMode(QProcess::InputChannelMode mode)

Class QUrl:

adjusted(QUrl::FormattingOptions options) const
fileName(QUrl::ComponentFormattingOptions options) const
fromCFURL(CFURLRef url)
fromNSURL(const NSURL *url)
matches(const QUrl &url, QUrl::FormattingOptions options) const
operator=(QUrl &&other)
toCFURL() const
toNSURL() const

Class QUrlQuery:

operator=(QUrlQuery &&other)

Class QVariant:

operator=(QVariant &&other)

Class QThread:

Class QThreadPool:


Class QBitArray:

operator=(QBitArray &&other)

Class QByteArray:

fromBase64(const QByteArray &base64, QByteArray::Base64Options options)
operator=(QByteArray &&other)
toBase64(QByteArray::Base64Options options) const

Class QCommandLineOption:

operator=(QCommandLineOption &&other)

Class QContiguousCache:

operator=(QContiguousCache<T> &&other)

Class QDateTime:

fromMSecsSinceEpoch(qint64 msecs, Qt::TimeSpec spec, int offsetSeconds)
fromMSecsSinceEpoch(qint64 msecs, const QTimeZone &timeZone)
isDaylightTime() const
offsetFromUtc() const
setOffsetFromUtc(int offsetSeconds)
setTimeZone(const QTimeZone &toZone)
timeZone() const
timeZoneAbbreviation() const
toOffsetFromUtc(int offsetSeconds) const
toTimeZone(const QTimeZone &timeZone) const

Class QEasingCurve:

operator=(QEasingCurve &&other)

Class QExplicitlySharedDataPointer:

operator=(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<T> &&other)

Class QHash:

operator=(QHash<K, V> &&other)

Class QLinkedList:

operator=(QLinkedList<T> &&other)

Class QList:

operator=(QList<T> &&other)

Class QMap:

first() const
firstKey() const
last() const
lastKey() const
operator=(QMap<Key, T> &&other)

Class QPair:

operator=(QPair<TT1, TT2> &&p)
operator=(const QPair<TT1, TT2> &p)

Class QRegExp:

operator=(QRegExp &&other)

Class QSharedDataPointer:

operator=(QSharedDataPointer<T> &&other)

Class QString:

fromCFString(CFStringRef string)
fromNSString(const NSString *string)
operator=(QString &&other)
toCFString() const
toNSString() const

Class QStringRef:

left(int n) const
mid(int position, int n) const
right(int n) const

Class QVector:

length() const
operator=(QVector<T> &&other)
removeAt(int i)
takeAt(int i)

Class QIcon:

operator=(QIcon &&other)

Class QCursor:

operator=(QCursor &&other)

Class QGuiApplication:

applicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state)

Class QImage:

operator=(QImage &&other)

Class QNativeGestureEvent:

gestureType() const
globalPos() const
localPos() const
pos() const
screenPos() const
value() const
windowPos() const

Class QKeySequence:

operator=(QKeySequence &&other)

Class QPicture:

operator=(QPicture &&other)

Class QPalette:

operator=(QPalette &&other)

Class QPixmap:

operator=(QPixmap &&other)

Class QWheelEvent:

phase() const

Class QTouchDevice:

Class QVector2D:

operator[](int i)
operator[](int i) const

Class QVector4D:

operator[](int i)
operator[](int i) const

Class QVector3D:

operator[](int i)
operator[](int i) const

Class QBrush:

operator=(QBrush &&other)

Class QColor:

name(QColor::NameFormat format) const

Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout:

unregisterHandler(int objectType, QObject *component)

Class QFont:

operator=(QFont &&other)

Class QFontDatabase:

systemFont(QFontDatabase::SystemFont type)

Class QFontMetrics:

operator=(QFontMetrics &&other)

Class QPainterPath:

operator=(QPainterPath &&other)

Class QPen:

operator=(QPen &&other)

Class QRegion:

operator=(QRegion &&other)

Class QPlatformFontDatabase:

registerAliasToFontFamily(const QString &familyName, const QString &alias)

Class QPlatformIntegration:

virtual createEventDispatcher() const = 0
virtual createPlatformSessionManager(const QString &id, const QString &key) const
virtual sync()

Class QPlatformTheme:

virtual keyBindings(QKeySequence::StandardKey key) const

Class QNetworkAccessManager:

connectToHost(const QString &hostName, quint16 port)
connectToHostEncrypted(const QString &hostName, quint16 port, const QSslConfiguration &sslConfiguration)
supportedSchemes() const
supportedSchemesImplementation() const

Class QNetworkConfiguration:

Class QSslConfiguration:

sessionTicket() const
sessionTicketLifeTimeHint() const
setSessionTicket(const QByteArray &sessionTicket)

Class QQuickWindow:

Class QPressureReading:

setTemperature(qreal temperature)

Class QSerialPort:

handle() const

Class QAbstractItemView:

virtual viewportSizeHint() const override

Class QAbstractScrollArea:

virtual viewportSizeHint() const

Class QButtonGroup:

buttonToggled(QAbstractButton *button, bool checked)
buttonToggled(int id, bool checked)

Class QFileDialog:

currentUrlChanged(const QUrl &url)
directoryUrl() const
directoryUrlEntered(const QUrl &directory)
getExistingDirectoryUrl(QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QUrl &dir, QFileDialog::Options options, const QStringList &supportedSchemes)
getOpenFileUrl(QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QUrl &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedFilter, QFileDialog::Options options, const QStringList &supportedSchemes)
getOpenFileUrls(QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QUrl &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedFilter, QFileDialog::Options options, const QStringList &supportedSchemes)
getSaveFileUrl(QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QUrl &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedFilter, QFileDialog::Options options, const QStringList &supportedSchemes)
mimeTypeFilters() const
selectMimeTypeFilter(const QString &filter)
selectUrl(const QUrl &url)
selectedUrls() const
setDirectoryUrl(const QUrl &directory)
setMimeTypeFilters(const QStringList &filters)
urlSelected(const QUrl &url)
urlsSelected(const QList<QUrl> &urls)

Class QFileIconProvider:

options() const
setOptions(QFileIconProvider::Options options)

Class QHeaderView:

Class QInputDialog:

getMultiLineText(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &label, const QString &text, bool *ok, Qt::WindowFlags flags, Qt::InputMethodHints inputMethodHints)

Class QLayout:

replaceWidget(QWidget *from, QWidget *to, Qt::FindChildOptions options)

Class QLineEdit:

addAction(const QIcon &icon, QLineEdit::ActionPosition position)
addAction(QAction *action, QLineEdit::ActionPosition position)

Class QListView:

virtual viewportSizeHint() const override

Class QMainWindow:

Class QMessageBox:

checkBox() const
setCheckBox(QCheckBox *cb)

Class QSizePolicy:

Class QSplashScreen:

message() const

Class QTabWidget:

tabBarClicked(int index)
tabBarDoubleClicked(int index)

Class QTabBar:

tabBarClicked(int index)
tabBarDoubleClicked(int index)

Class QToolTip:

showText(const QPoint &pos, const QString &text, QWidget *w, const QRect &rect, int msecDisplayTime)

Class QTreeView:

setTreePosition(int index)
treePosition() const

Class QWidget:

windowIconChanged(const QIcon &icon)
windowTitleChanged(const QString &title)

Class QX11Info:

New Functions in Namespaces

colorizationColor(bool *opaqueBlend)
createMask(const QBitmap &bitmap)
disableBlurBehindWindow(QWindow *window)
disableBlurBehindWindow(QWidget *window)
enableBlurBehindWindow(QWindow *window, const QRegion &region)
enableBlurBehindWindow(QWindow *window)
enableBlurBehindWindow(QWidget *window, const QRegion &region)
enableBlurBehindWindow(QWidget *window)
errorStringFromHresult(int hresult)
extendFrameIntoClientArea(QWindow *window, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
extendFrameIntoClientArea(QWindow *window, const QMargins &margins)
extendFrameIntoClientArea(QWidget *window, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
extendFrameIntoClientArea(QWidget *window, const QMargins &margins)
fromHBITMAP(HBITMAP bitmap, QtWin::HBitmapFormat format)
fromHICON(HICON icon)
fromHRGN(HRGN hrgn)
imageFromHBITMAP(int hdc, HBITMAP bitmap, int width, int height)
isWindowExcludedFromPeek(QWindow *window)
isWindowExcludedFromPeek(QWidget *window)
isWindowPeekDisallowed(QWindow *window)
isWindowPeekDisallowed(QWidget *window)
markFullscreenWindow(QWindow *window, bool fullscreen)
markFullscreenWindow(QWidget *window, bool fullscreen)
resetExtendedFrame(QWindow *window)
resetExtendedFrame(QWidget *window)
setCompositionEnabled(bool enabled)
setCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(const QString &id)
setWindowDisallowPeek(QWindow *window, bool disallow)
setWindowDisallowPeek(QWidget *window, bool disallow)
setWindowExcludedFromPeek(QWindow *window, bool exclude)
setWindowExcludedFromPeek(QWidget *window, bool exclude)
setWindowFlip3DPolicy(QWindow *window, QtWin::WindowFlip3DPolicy policy)
setWindowFlip3DPolicy(QWidget *window, QtWin::WindowFlip3DPolicy policy)
stringFromHresult(int hresult)
taskbarActivateTab(QWindow *window)
taskbarActivateTab(QWidget *window)
taskbarActivateTabAlt(QWindow *window)
taskbarActivateTabAlt(QWidget *window)
taskbarAddTab(QWindow *window)
taskbarAddTab(QWidget *window)
taskbarDeleteTab(QWindow *window)
taskbarDeleteTab(QWidget *window)
toHBITMAP(const QPixmap &p, QtWin::HBitmapFormat format)
toHICON(const QPixmap &p)
toHRGN(const QRegion &region)
windowFlip3DPolicy(QWindow *window)
windowFlip3DPolicy(QWidget *window)

New Global Functions

qFloatDistance(double a, double b)
qFloatDistance(float a, float b)
qPopulationCount(quint8 v)
qPopulationCount(quint64 v)
qPopulationCount(quint32 v)
qPopulationCount(quint16 v)

New Macros

New Enum Types

enum SizeAdjustPolicy { AdjustIgnored, AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow, AdjustToContents }
enum Base64Option { Base64Encoding, Base64UrlEncoding, KeepTrailingEquals, OmitTrailingEquals }
enum Option { DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons }
enum SystemFont { GeneralFont, FixedFont, TitleFont, SmallestReadableFont }
enum ActionPosition { LeadingPosition, TrailingPosition }
enum InputChannelMode { ManagedInputChannel, ForwardedInputChannel }
enum NativeGestureType { BeginNativeGesture, EndNativeGesture, PanNativeGesture, ZoomNativeGesture, ..., SwipeNativeGesture }
enum ScrollPhase { NoScrollPhase, ScrollBegin, ScrollUpdate, ScrollEnd }
enum HBitmapFormat { HBitmapNoAlpha, HBitmapPremultipliedAlpha, HBitmapAlpha }
enum WindowFlip3DPolicy { FlipDefault, FlipExcludeBelow, FlipExcludeAbove }

New Properties

New QML Types

New QML Properties

New QML Signals

New QML Methods

Additions to Other Qt 5 Releases

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