QMediaMetaData Namespace

Provides identifiers for meta-data attributes. More...

Header: #include <QMediaMetaData>
qmake: QT += multimedia

Detailed Description

Note: Not all identifiers are supported on all platforms. Please consult vendor documentation for specific support on different platforms.

Common attributes
TitleThe title of the media.QString
SubTitleThe sub-title of the media.QString
AuthorThe authors of the media.QStringList
CommentA user comment about the media.QString
DescriptionA description of the media.QString
CategoryThe category of the media.QStringList
GenreThe genre of the media.QStringList
YearThe year of release of the media.int
DateThe date of the media.QDate.
UserRatingA user rating of the media.int [0..100]
KeywordsA list of keywords describing the media.QStringList
LanguageThe language of media, as an ISO 639-2 code.QString
PublisherThe publisher of the media.QString
CopyrightThe media's copyright notice.QString
ParentalRatingThe parental rating of the media.QString
RatingOrganizationThe organization responsible for the parental rating of the media.QString
Media attributes
SizeThe size in bytes of the media.qint64
MediaTypeThe type of the media (audio, video, etc).QString
DurationThe duration in millseconds of the media.qint64
Audio attributes
AudioBitRateThe bit rate of the media's audio stream in bits per second.int
AudioCodecThe codec of the media's audio stream.QString
AverageLevelThe average volume level of the media.int
ChannelCountThe number of channels in the media's audio stream.int
PeakValueThe peak volume of the media's audio stream.int
SampleRateThe sample rate of the media's audio stream in hertz.int
Music attributes
AlbumTitleThe title of the album the media belongs to.QString
AlbumArtistThe principal artist of the album the media belongs to.QString
ContributingArtistThe artists contributing to the media.QStringList
ComposerThe composer of the media.QStringList
ConductorThe conductor of the media.QString
LyricsThe lyrics to the media.QString
MoodThe mood of the media.QString
TrackNumberThe track number of the media.int
TrackCountThe number of tracks on the album containing the media.int
CoverArtUrlSmallThe URL of a small cover art image.QUrl
CoverArtUrlLargeThe URL of a large cover art image.QUrl
CoverArtImageAn embedded cover art image.QImage
Image and video attributes
ResolutionThe dimensions of an image or video.QSize
PixelAspectRatioThe pixel aspect ratio of an image or video.QSize
OrientationOrientation of an image or video.int (degrees)
Video attributes
VideoFrameRateThe frame rate of the media's video stream.qreal
VideoBitRateThe bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per second.int
VideoCodecThe codec of the media's video stream.QString
PosterUrlThe URL of a poster image.QUrl
PosterImageAn embedded poster image.QImage
Movie attributes
ChapterNumberThe chapter number of the media.int
DirectorThe director of the media.QString
LeadPerformerThe lead performer in the media.QStringList
WriterThe writer of the media.QStringList
Photo attributes.
CameraManufacturerThe manufacturer of the camera used to capture the media.QString
CameraModelThe model of the camera used to capture the media.QString
EventThe event during which the media was captured.QString
SubjectThe subject of the media.QString
ExposureTimeExposure time, given in seconds.qreal
FNumberThe F Number.int
ExposureProgramThe class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken.QString
ISOSpeedRatingsIndicates the ISO Speed and ISO Latitude of the camera or input device as specified in ISO 12232.qreal
ExposureBiasValueThe exposure bias. The unit is the APEX (Additive System of Photographic Exposure) setting.qreal
DateTimeOriginalThe date and time when the original image data was generated.QDateTime
DateTimeDigitizedThe date and time when the image was stored as digital data.QDateTime
SubjectDistanceThe distance to the subject, given in meters.qreal
MeteringModeThe metering mode.QCameraExposure::MeteringMode
LightSourceThe kind of light source.QString
FlashStatus of flash when the image was shot.QCameraExposure::FlashMode
FocalLengthThe actual focal length of the lens, in mm.qreal
ExposureModeIndicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot.QCameraExposure::ExposureMode
WhiteBalanceIndicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot.QCameraImageProcessing::WhiteBalanceMode
DigitalZoomRatioIndicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot.qreal
FocalLengthIn35mmFilmIndicates the equivalent focal length assuming a 35mm film camera, in mm.qreal
SceneCaptureTypeIndicates the type of scene that was shot. It can also be used to record the mode in which the image was shot.QString
GainControlIndicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment.qreal
ContrastIndicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.qreal
SaturationIndicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.qreal
SharpnessIndicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.qreal
DeviceSettingDescriptionExif tag, indicates information on the picture-taking conditions of a particular camera model.QString
GPSLatitudeLatitude value of the geographical position (decimal degrees). A positive latitude indicates the Northern Hemisphere, and a negative latitude indicates the Southern Hemisphere.double
GPSLongitudeLongitude value of the geographical position (decimal degrees). A positive longitude indicates the Eastern Hemisphere, and a negative longitude indicates the Western Hemisphere.double
GPSAltitudeThe value of altitude in meters above sea level.double
GPSTimeStampTime stamp of GPS data.QDateTime
GPSSatellitesGPS satellites used for measurements.QString
GPSStatusStatus of GPS receiver at image creation time.QString
GPSDOPDegree of precision for GPS data.qreal
GPSSpeedSpeed of GPS receiver movement in kilometers per hour.qreal
GPSTrackDirection of GPS receiver movement. The range of values is [0.0, 360), with 0 direction pointing on either true or magnetic north, depending on GPSTrackRef.qreal
GPSTrackRefReference for movement direction.QChar. 'T' means true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction.
GPSImgDirectionDirection of image when captured.qreal The range of values is [0.0, 360).
GPSImgDirectionRefReference for image direction.QChar. 'T' means true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction.
GPSMapDatumGeodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver.QString
GPSProcessingMethodThe name of the method used for location finding.QString
GPSAreaInformationThe name of the GPS area.QString
ThumbnailImageAn embedded thumbnail image.QImage

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