List of All Members for Context2D
This is the complete list of members for Context2D, including inherited members.
- canvas : QtQuick::Canvas
- fillRule : enumeration
- fillStyle : variant
- font : string
- globalAlpha : real
- globalCompositeOperation : string
- lineCap : string
- lineDashOffset : real
- lineJoin : string
- lineWidth : real
- miterLimit : real
- shadowBlur : real
- shadowColor : string
- shadowOffsetX : qreal
- shadowOffsetY : qreal
- strokeStyle : variant
- textAlign : string
- textBaseline : string
- object arc(x, real y, real radius, real startAngle, real endAngle, bool anticlockwise)
- object arcTo(x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real radius)
- object beginPath()
- object bezierCurveTo(cp1x, real cp1y, real cp2x, real cp2y, real x, real y)
- object clearRect(x, real y, real w, real h)
- object clip()
- object closePath()
- object createConicalGradient(x, real y, real angle)
- CanvasImageData createImageData(imageUrl)
- CanvasImageData createImageData(imageData)
- CanvasImageData createImageData(sw, real sh)
- object createLinearGradient(x0, real y0, real x1, real y1)
- variant createPattern(image, string repetition)
- variant createPattern(color, enumeration patternMode)
- object createRadialGradient(x0, real y0, real r0, real x1, real y1, real r1)
- drawImage(image, real sx, real sy, real sw, real sh, real dx, real dy, real dw, real dh)
- drawImage(image, real dx, real dy, real dw, real dh)
- drawImage(image, real dx, real dy)
- object ellipse(x, real y, real w, real h)
- object fill()
- object fillRect(x, real y, real w, real h)
- object fillText(text, x, y)
- CanvasImageData getImageData(x, real y, real w, real h)
- array getLineDash()
- object isPointInPath(x, real y)
- object lineTo(x, real y)
- object measureText(text)
- object moveTo(x, real y)
- object putImageData(imageData, real dx, real dy, real dirtyX, real dirtyY, real dirtyWidth, real dirtyHeight)
- object quadraticCurveTo(cpx, real cpy, real x, real y)
- object rect(x, real y, real w, real h)
- object reset()
- object resetTransform()
- object restore()
- object rotate(angle)
- object roundedRect(x, real y, real w, real h, real xRadius, real yRadius)
- object save()
- object scale(x, real y)
- setLineDash(pattern)
- object setTransform(a, real b, real c, real d, real e, real f)
- object shear(sh, real sv)
- object stroke()
- object strokeRect(x, real y, real w, real h)
- object strokeText(text, x, y)
- object text(text, real x, real y)
- object transform(a, real b, real c, real d, real e, real f)
- object translate(x, real y)
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