
The QMaskGenerator class provides an abstract base for custom 32-bit mask generators. More

Inheritance diagram of PySide2.QtWebSockets.QMaskGenerator

Detailed Description

The specification as outlined in RFC 6455 requires that all communication from client to server be masked. This is to prevent malicious scripts from attacking badly behaving proxies. For more information about the importance of good masking, see “Talking to Yourself for Fun and Profit” by Lin-Shung Huang et al . By default QWebSocket uses the reasonably secure global() ->generate() function. The best measure against attacks mentioned in the document above, is to use QWebSocket over a secure connection (wss:// ). In general, always be careful to not have 3rd party script access to a QWebSocket in your application.

class QMaskGenerator([parent=None])
param parent


Creates a new QMaskGenerator object with the given optional QObject parent .

Return type


Returns a new random 32-bit mask. The randomness depends on the RNG used to created the mask.

Return type


Initializes the QMaskGenerator by seeding the randomizer. When is not called, it depends on the specific implementation of a subclass if a default seed is used or no seed is used at all. Returns true if seeding succeeds, otherwise false.