
The QTimeEdit class provides a widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget. More

Inheritance diagram of PySide2.QtWidgets.QTimeEdit

Detailed Description


Many of the properties and functions provided by QTimeEdit are implemented in QDateTimeEdit . These are the relevant properties of this class:

  • time holds the time displayed by the widget.

  • minimumTime defines the minimum (earliest) time that can be set by the user.

  • maximumTime defines the maximum (latest) time that can be set by the user.

  • displayFormat contains a string that is used to format the time displayed in the widget.

class QTimeEdit([parent=None])

QTimeEdit(time[, parent=None])

param parent


param time


Constructs an empty time editor with a parent .

Constructs an empty time editor with a parent . The time is set to time .

