Qt Core Provides core non-GUI functionality.
Qt 3D Animation Provides basic elements required to animate 3D objects.
Qt Gui Extends QtCore with GUI functionality.
Qt Help Provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications.
Qt Network Offers classes that let you to write TCP/IP clients and servers.
Qt OpenGL Offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications.
Qt PrintSupport Provides extensive cross-platform support for printing.
Qt Qml Python API for Qt QML.
Qt Charts Provides a set of easy to use chart components.
Qt Quick Provides classes for embedding Qt Quick in Qt applications.
Qt DataVisualization Provides a way to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs.
Qt QuickWidgets Provides the QQuickWidget class for embedding Qt Quick in widget-based applications.
Qt TextToSpeech Provides API to access text-to-speech engines.
Qt Sql Helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications.
Qt Multimedia Provides low-level multimedia functionality.
Qt MultimediaWidgets Provides the widget-based multimedia API.
Qt MacExtras Provides classes and functions specific to
macOS and iOS operating systems.
Qt Svg Provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files.
Qt UiTools Provides classes to handle forms created with Qt Designer.
Qt Test Provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries.
Qt Concurrent Provides high-level APIs that make it possible
to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading
primitives such as mutexes, read-write locks, wait conditions, or semaphores.
Qt AxContainer Provides QAxObject and QAxWidget which act as
containers for COM objects and ActiveX controls.
Qt WebEngineCore Provides the core functionality to integrate web content.
Qt WebEngineWidgets Provides widgets that can handle web content.
Qt WebChannel Enables peer-to-peer communication between a server and a client
(HTML/JavaScript or QML application).
Qt WebSockets Provides interfaces that enable Qt applications
to act as a server that can process WebSocket requests, or a client that
can consume data received from the server, or both.
Qt Widgets Extends Qt GUI with C++ widget functionality.
Qt WinExtras Provides classes and functions for using some Windows APIs in a Qt way.
Qt X11Extras Provides information about the X display configuration.
Qt Xml Provides C++ implementations of SAX and DOM.
Qt XmlPatterns Provides support for XPath, XQuery, XSLTi, and XML Schema validation.
Qt 3D Core Contains functionality to support near-realtime simulation systems.
Qt 3D Extras Provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D.
Qt 3D Input Provides classes for handling user input in applications using Qt 3D.
Qt 3D Logic Enables synchronizing frames with the Qt 3D backend.
Qt 3D Render Contains functionality to support 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D.
Qt Positioning Provides positioning information via QML and Python interfaces.
Qt Location Helps you create viable mapping solutions using the data available from some of the popular location services.
Qt Sensors Provides access to sensor hardware via QML and Python interfaces and a motion gesture recognition API for devices.
Qt Scxml Provides classes to create and use state machines from SCXML files.