Dialog Windows

An overview over dialog windows.

Dialogs can be modal , in which case the user is required to provide necessary information before work in the main window can continue, or modeless . Modeless dialogs do not prevent the user from interacting with any of the other windows in the application.

Qt provides a set of ready-made dialogs for file, font, color-selection and more.


The QColorDialog class provides a dialog widget for specifying colors.


The QFileDialog class provides a dialog that allow users to select files or directories.


The QFontDialog class provides a dialog widget for selecting a font.


The QInputDialog class provides a simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user.


The QMessageBox class provides a modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer.


The QProgressDialog class provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation.


The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer’s configuration.


The QPageSetupDialog class provides a configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer.


The QPrintPreviewDialog class provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output.

Custom dialogs can be easily created by composing regular widgets into a QDialog . These classes are specifically designed for building custom dialogs:


The QDialog class is the base class of dialog windows.


The QDialogButtonBox class is a widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style.