
This section contains snippets that were automatically translated from C++ to Python and may contain errors.

See also


The qDrawBorderPixmap function is for drawing a pixmap into the margins of a rectangle.

Draws the given pixmap into the given target rectangle, using the given painter. The pixmap will be split into nine segments and drawn according to the margins structure.

Draws the indicated sourceRect rectangle from the given pixmap into the given targetRect rectangle, using the given painter. The pixmap will be split into nine segments according to the given targetMargins and sourceMargins structures. Finally, the pixmap will be drawn according to the given rules.

This function is used to draw a scaled pixmap, similar to CSS3 border-images

See also

QTileRules QMargins

Draws the plain rectangle beginning at (x, y) with the given width and height, using the specified painter, lineColor and lineWidth. The rectangle’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a plain rectangle:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box | QFrame.Plain)

See also

qDrawShadeRect() QStyle

This is an overloaded function.

Draws the plain rectangle specified by rect using the given painter, lineColor and lineWidth. The rectangle’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a plain rectangle:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box | QFrame.Plain)

See also

qDrawShadeRect() QStyle

Draws a horizontal (y1 == y2) or vertical (x1 == x2) shaded line using the given painter. Note that nothing is drawn if y1 != y2 and x1 != x2 (i.e. the line is neither horizontal nor vertical).

The provided palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors). The given lineWidth specifies the line width for each of the lines; it is not the total line width. The given midLineWidth specifies the width of a middle line drawn in the QPalette::mid() color.

The line appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded line:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.HLine | QFrame.Sunken)

See also

qDrawShadeRect() qDrawShadePanel() QStyle

This is an overloaded function.

Draws a horizontal or vertical shaded line between p1 and p2 using the given painter. Note that nothing is drawn if the line between the points would be neither horizontal nor vertical.

The provided palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors). The given lineWidth specifies the line width for each of the lines; it is not the total line width. The given midLineWidth specifies the width of a middle line drawn in the QPalette::mid() color.

The line appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded line:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.HLine | QFrame.Sunken)

See also

qDrawShadeRect() qDrawShadePanel() QStyle

Draws the shaded panel beginning at (x, y) with the given width and height using the provided painter and the given lineWidth.

The given palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors). The panel’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The panel appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded panel:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle( QFrame.Panel | QFrame.Sunken)

See also

qDrawWinPanel() qDrawShadeLine() qDrawShadeRect() QStyle

This is an overloaded function.

Draws the shaded panel at the rectangle specified by rect using the given painter and the given lineWidth.

The given palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors). The panel’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The panel appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded panel:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle( QFrame.Panel | QFrame.Sunken)

See also

qDrawWinPanel() qDrawShadeLine() qDrawShadeRect() QStyle

Draws the shaded rectangle beginning at (x, y) with the given width and height using the provided painter.

The provide palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors. The given lineWidth specifies the line width for each of the lines; it is not the total line width. The midLineWidth specifies the width of a middle line drawn in the QPalette::mid() color. The rectangle’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The rectangle appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded rectangle:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box | QFrame.Raised)

See also

qDrawShadeLine() qDrawShadePanel() qDrawPlainRect() QStyle

This is an overloaded function.

Draws the shaded rectangle specified by rect using the given painter.

The provide palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors. The given lineWidth specifies the line width for each of the lines; it is not the total line width. The midLineWidth specifies the width of a middle line drawn in the QPalette::mid() color. The rectangle’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The rectangle appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded rectangle:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box | QFrame.Raised)

See also

qDrawShadeLine() qDrawShadePanel() qDrawPlainRect() QStyle

Draws the Windows-style button specified by the given point (x, y}, width and height using the provided painter with a line width of 2 pixels. The button’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The given palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors).

The button appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() -> Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

See also

qDrawWinPanel() QStyle

This is an overloaded function.

Draws the Windows-style button at the rectangle specified by rect using the given painter with a line width of 2 pixels. The button’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The given palette specifies the shading colors (light, dark and middle colors).

The button appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() -> Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

See also

qDrawWinPanel() QStyle

Draws the Windows-style panel specified by the given point(x, y), width and height using the provided painter with a line width of 2 pixels. The button’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The given palette specifies the shading colors. The panel appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded panel:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.WinPanel | QFrame.Raised)

See also

qDrawShadePanel() qDrawWinButton() QStyle

This is an overloaded function.

Draws the Windows-style panel at the rectangle specified by rect using the given painter with a line width of 2 pixels. The button’s interior is filled with the fill brush unless fill is None.

The given palette specifies the shading colors. The panel appears sunken if sunken is true, otherwise raised.


This function does not look at style() or style() . Use the drawing functions in QStyle to make widgets that follow the current GUI style.

Alternatively you can use a QFrame widget and apply the setFrameStyle() function to display a shaded panel:

QFrame frame:
frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.WinPanel | QFrame.Raised)

See also

qDrawShadePanel() qDrawWinButton() QStyle