Rendering in 3D¶
Classes that provide support for rendering in 3D.
The QOpenGLContext class represents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurface.
The QGenericMatrix class is a template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows.
The QMatrix4x4 class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space.
The QQuaternion class represents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar.
The QVector2D class represents a vector or vertex in 2D space.
The QVector3D class represents a vector or vertex in 3D space.
The QVector4D class represents a vector or vertex in 4D space.
The QOpenGLFunctions class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API.
The QOpenGLExtraFunctions class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API.
Accelerated 2D/3D graphics API abstraction.
Contains multiple versions of a shader translated to multiple shading languages, together with reflection metadata.
Describes the interface of a shader.
The QVulkanInstance class represents a native Vulkan instance, enabling Vulkan rendering onto a QSurface.