Supported Target Devices and Development Hosts

Overview of Support

Boot to Qt supports a variety of hardware target devices. Qt is already ported on a rich set of operating systems (with and without POSIX) and various hardware. For more detailed information about the devices and target operating systems, see TQC Supported Targets.

Depending on your hardware, you can utilize the ready-made system images, buy the images as a service, or do the images yourself. For more information, see Accessing Boot to Qt Deliveries.

Potential target devices can be classified in three groups, in terms of what the Qt Company (TQC) will, and will not support.

TQC Supported Targets

TQC supports these targets for the Qt 6.3 release.

TQC Supported Target Characteristics

What a supported target device means:

  • The target hardware and operating systems combination is utilized in TQC Continuous Integration (CI) and Release Test Automation (RTA) processes for this release. This covers the online installer testing, deployment, debugging, and UI testing.
  • The toolchain and images are provided in the Qt Installer for Boot to Qt.
  • The Qt Company (TQC) may accept reported issues that can be reproduced as bugs: as the hardware is available in RTA Qt Support and/or engineering can quickly rule out many common categories of issues that are outside of TQC control. For example; issues relating to drivers and firmware.
  • TQC provides patches for Qt and QPA while firmware and OS patches are provided by the respective vendors or Qt Professional Services (PS). The issues are always first tried to be reproduced on the Supported Targets. For more detail on support see terms and conditions.

TQC Supported Targets List

This table lists the supported target devices for the 6.3 version of Boot to Qt:

TQC Supported Target Operating Systems

The target operating system in Boot to Qt is embedded Linux based on Yocto 3.4 (Honister).

Supported Development Hosts

The development hosts for Boot to Qt are:

  • Ubuntu Linux 64-bit (20.04 LTS or later)
  • Windows 10 64-bit

Support for macOS

As a development host, support for macOS 10.15 (or later) with a limited functionality has been provided for some customers by Qt Professional Services. For more information, contact us.

Qt for Design Studio fully supports macOS, along with Windows and Linux.

Qt Technical Support

The level of available technical support for target devices depends on your Qt license and your device. If you have the relevant commercial license, Qt technical support can help with the questions related to the supported devices under the standard support services. If you need help with other than supported devices, you need to separately buy support for your device.

See Qt Support for information about the technical support.

See License Agreements and Service Terms for the latest version of the Qt license agreements and the support terms and conditions for the Qt account.

Qt Professional Services

Qt Professional Services provides support for porting Qt to different target devices. For example, your project may have minimal Qt and QPA (Qt Platform Adaptation layer) source code delivery. On the other end of spectrum, your project can be mature turnkey solution that contains custom applications and maintenance.

Qt performance on target devices

Qt can be used in embedded devices in such a variety of ways that estimating the performance and hardware requirements of Qt can be difficult without thorough testing. The application use case, display resolution, and use of 3D graphics affect how much performance is possible on a target device. On a lower level, a QML based Qt application and full operating system can be run in approximately 10 MB of RAM. On the high end, the default Boot to Qt Software Stack enables almost all of the Qt features and modules and therefore requires more performant hardware. A good starting point would be a target device with 256MB of RAM, 1GHz CPU, and a GPU with OpenGL ES 2.0 or Vulkan support.

Support Lifecycle Policy

Release dates and support end-of-life dates for each Qt version are listed in Supported Platforms and Configurations.

Accessing Boot to Qt Deliveries

With a commercial Boot to Qt license customer has an access to the Boot to Qt deliveries with at least one of the following ways:

Additional QBSP packages may also be available through the corresponding vendor pages. For more information about QBSP, see QBSP Overview.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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