SimpleAttributeOperand QML Type

The OPC UA SimpleAttributeOperand type. More...

Import Statement: import QtOpcUa .
Since: QtOpcUa 5.13


Detailed Description

The SimpleAttributeOperand is specified in OPC-UA part 4, It is used when a node attribute is required as operand.

For example, the following simple attribute operand represents the value of the "Severity" field of the base event type:

import QtOpcUa 5.13 as QtOpcUa

QtOpcUa.SimpleAttributeOperand {
    identifier: "Severity"
    ns: ""

Property Documentation

browsePath : list<OpcUaNodeId>

Browse path to the node holding the attribute.


indexRange : string

Index range string used to identify a single value or subset of the attribute's value.

import QtOpcUa 5.13 as QtOpcUa

QtOpcUa.SimpleAttributeOperand {
    indexRange: "0:2"

nodeAttribute : Constants.NodeAttribute

Attribute of the node browsePath is pointing to. The default value is Constants.NodeAttribute.Value.

import QtOpcUa 5.13 as QtOpcUa

QtOpcUa.SimpleAttributeOperand {
    nodeAttribute: QtOpcUa.Constants.NodeAttribute.Value

typeId : string

Node id of the type definition node. The operand will be of the type or one of its subtypes. The default value is "ns=0;i=2041".

import QtOpcUa 5.13 as QtOpcUa

QtOpcUa.SimpleAttributeOperand {
    typeId: "ns=0;i=2041"

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