ApplicationModel QML Type

A proxy model for the ApplicationManager singleton. More...

Import Statement: import QtApplicationManager.SystemUI 2.0



Detailed Description

The ApplicationModel type provides a customizable model that can be used to tailor the ApplicationManager model to your needs. The ApplicationManager singleton is a model itself, that includes all available applications. In contrast, the ApplicationModel supports filtering and sorting.

Since the ApplicationModel is based on the ApplicationManager model, the latter is referred to as the source model. The ApplicationModel includes the same roles as the ApplicationManager model.

Note: If you require a model with all applications, with no filtering whatsoever, you should use the ApplicationManager directly, as it has better performance.

The following code snippet displays all the icons of non-aliased applications in a list:

import QtQuick 2.6
import QtApplicationManager.SystemUI 2.0

ListView {
    model: ApplicationModel {
        filterFunction: function(application) {
            return !application.alias;

    delegate: Image {
        source: icon

Property Documentation

[read-only] count : int

Holds the number of applications included in this model.

filterFunction : var

A JavaScript function callback that is invoked for each application in the ApplicationManager source model. This function gets one ApplicationObject parameter and must return a Boolean. If the application passed should be included in this model, then the function must return true; false otherwise.

If you need no filtering at all, you should set this property to an undefined (the default) or null value.

Note: Whenever this function is changed, the filter is reevaluated. However, dynamic properties used in this function, like isRunning, don't trigger a reevaluation when those properties change. Changes in the source model are reflected. Since the type is derived from QSortFilterProxyModel, the invalidate() slot can be used to force a reevaluation.

sortFunction : var

A JavaScript function callback that is invoked to sort the applications in this model. This function gets two ApplicationObject parameters and must return a Boolean. If the first application should have a smaller index in this model than the second, the function must return true; false otherwise.

If you need no sorting at all, you should set this property to an undefined (the default) or null value.

Note: Whenever this function is changed, the model is sorted. However, dynamic properties used in this function, like isRunning, don't trigge a sort when when those properties change. Changes in the source model are reflected. Since the type is derived from QSortFilterProxyModel, the invalidate() slot can be used to force a sort.

Method Documentation

int indexOfApplication(ApplicationObject application)

Maps the application to its position within this model. Returns -1 if the specified application is invalid, or not part of this model.

int indexOfApplication(string id)

Maps the application corresponding to the given id to its position within this model. Returns -1 if the specified application is invalid, or not part of this model.

int mapFromSource(int index)

Maps an application's index from the ApplicationManager model to the corresponding index in this model. Returns -1 if the specified index is invalid.

int mapToSource(int index)

Maps an application's index in this model to the corresponding index in the ApplicationManager model. Returns -1 if the specified index is invalid.

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