

The main mode of operation of qmlprojectexporter is to export the Qml sources and assets of a project to C++ code that an external build system can then compile.

There can be use cases where you might need to disable generating cpp files For this purpose, you can use --no-export-cpp command-line option.

For example, in the context of the Qt for MCUs CMake environment, it runs the qmlprojectexporter tool twice. First time during the configuration phase for generating the dependency trees, and the second time for generating the actual C++ code. The first pass has the --no-export-cpp command-line option set.


// \c qmlprojectexporter will not generate the C++ files when running the following command
// but the config files will, See \l --no-export-configuration.
qmlprojectexporter --no-export-cpp --outdir output-dir my_project.qmlproject


This option was introduced in QmlProject API 1.3 .

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