InputModeKey QML Type

Input mode key for keyboard layouts. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Components



Detailed Description

This key toggles between available input modes in the input method.

Property Documentation

[read-only] inputModeCount : int

This read-only property reflects the actual number of input modes the user can cycle through this key.

The values from inputModes is checked against what is supported by currently active input method.

inputModeNameList : InputModesStringList

List of input mode names.

The default list contains all known input modes for InputEngine.inputMode.

These are expected to be in the same order as enum values in InputEngine. Example usage:

inputModeNameList: [
        "ABC",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Latin
        "123",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Numeric
        "123",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Dialable
        "拼音",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Pinyin
        "倉頡",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Cangjie
        "注音",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Zhuyin
        "한글",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Hangul
        "かな",    // InputEngine.InputMode.Hiragana
        "カナ",    // InputEngine.InputMode.Katakana
        "全角",  // InputEngine.InputMode.FullwidthLatin
        "ΑΒΓ",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Greek
        "АБВ",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Cyrillic
        "\u0623\u200C\u0628\u200C\u062C",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Arabic
        "\u05D0\u05D1\u05D2",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Hebrew
        "中文",  // InputEngine.InputMode.ChineseHandwriting
        "日本語", // InputEngine.InputMode.JapaneseHandwriting
        "한국어", // InputEngine.InputMode.KoreanHandwriting
        "กขค",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Thai
        "笔画",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Stroke
        "ABC",  // InputEngine.InputMode.Romaji

InputModesStringList is an opaque value type that accepts list of strings.

inputModes : InputModesList

List of input modes to toggle.

This property allows to define a custom list of input modes to toggle. Example usage:

inputModes: [InputEngine.Hebrew, InputEngine.Latin]

The default list contains all the available input modes in the selected input method.

InputModesList is an opaque value type that accepts list of enums.

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