Qul::Platform::DeviceLinkInterface Class
class Qul::Platform::DeviceLinkInterfaceThis provides the interface to implement by the platform. More...
Header: | #include <platform/devicelink.h> |
Since: | Qt Quick Ultralite (Platform) 2.3 |
Public Functions
virtual Qul::Platform::FramebufferFormat | framebufferFormat(const Qul::PlatformInterface::LayerEngine::ItemLayer *layer) = 0 |
virtual void | platformInit() = 0 |
virtual void | transmitChars(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) = 0 |
Detailed Description
Each platform using the device link has to provide an implementation of this interface.
See also Qul::Platform::DeviceLink and Porting DeviceLink Communication.
Member Function Documentation
[pure virtual]
Qul::Platform::FramebufferFormat DeviceLinkInterface::framebufferFormat(const Qul::PlatformInterface::LayerEngine::ItemLayer *layer)
Get information about a framebuffer for the given layer.
This is used by the device link implementation to read the data and transfer it to the host when a screenshot is requested.
Note: The layer parameter can be ignored if the platform does not support multiple layers.
[pure virtual]
void DeviceLinkInterface::platformInit()
Perform last minute platform specific setup.
This function is called after the DeviceLink component is ready to send and receive data. The implementation may enable the serial port interrupts or set other flags that enable sending and receiving actual data.
[pure virtual]
void DeviceLinkInterface::transmitChars(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
Send a data stream to the host after it has been packed and framed.
This function is called when there is message data to be transferred to the host. The implementation has to use the serial port write functions to send the data with size.
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