QCanBusDevice Class

The QCanBusDevice class is the interface class for CAN bus. More...

Header: #include <QCanBusDevice>
qmake: QT += serialbus
Since: Qt 5.8
Inherits: QObject

Public Types

class Filter
enum CanBusDeviceState { UnconnectedState, ConnectingState, ConnectedState, ClosingState }
enum CanBusError { NoError, ReadError, WriteError, ConnectionError, ConfigurationError, UnknownError }
enum ConfigurationKey { RawFilterKey, ErrorFilterKey, LoopbackKey, ReceiveOwnKey, ..., UserKey }
enum Direction { Input, Output, AllDirections }
flags Directions

Public Functions

QCanBusDevice(QObject *parent = nullptr)
void clear(QCanBusDevice::Directions direction = Direction::AllDirections)
QVector<int> configurationKeys() const
QVariant configurationParameter(int key) const
bool connectDevice()
void disconnectDevice()
QCanBusDevice::CanBusError error() const
QString errorString() const
qint64 framesAvailable() const
qint64 framesToWrite() const
virtual QString interpretErrorFrame(const QCanBusFrame &frame) = 0
QVector<QCanBusFrame> readAllFrames()
QCanBusFrame readFrame()
virtual void setConfigurationParameter(int key, const QVariant &value)
QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState state() const
virtual bool waitForFramesReceived(int msecs)
virtual bool waitForFramesWritten(int msecs)
virtual bool writeFrame(const QCanBusFrame &frame) = 0
  • 31 public functions inherited from QObject


void errorOccurred(QCanBusDevice::CanBusError)
void framesReceived()
void framesWritten(qint64 framesCount)
void stateChanged(QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState state)

Static Public Members

const QMetaObject staticMetaObject
  • 9 static public members inherited from QObject

Protected Functions

virtual void close() = 0
QCanBusFrame dequeueOutgoingFrame()
void enqueueOutgoingFrame(const QCanBusFrame &newFrame)
void enqueueReceivedFrames(const QVector<QCanBusFrame> &newFrames)
bool hasOutgoingFrames() const
virtual bool open() = 0
void setError(const QString &errorText, QCanBusDevice::CanBusError errorId)
void setState(QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState newState)
  • 9 protected functions inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QObject
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QCanBusDevice class is the interface class for CAN bus.

QCanBusDevice communicates with a CAN plugin providing users with a convenient API. The CAN plugin must be specified during the object creation.

Member Type Documentation

enum QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState

This enum describes all possible device states.

QCanBusDevice::UnconnectedState0The device is disconnected.
QCanBusDevice::ConnectingState1The device is being connected.
QCanBusDevice::ConnectedState2The device is connected to the CAN bus.
QCanBusDevice::ClosingState3The device is being closed.

enum QCanBusDevice::CanBusError

This enum describes all the possible error conditions.

QCanBusDevice::NoError0No errors have occurred.
QCanBusDevice::ReadError1An error occurred during a read operation.
QCanBusDevice::WriteError2An error occurred during a write operation.
QCanBusDevice::ConnectionError3An error occurred when attempting to open the plugin.
QCanBusDevice::ConfigurationError4An error occurred when attempting to set a configuration parameter.
QCanBusDevice::UnknownError5An unknown error occurred.

enum QCanBusDevice::ConfigurationKey

This enum describes the possible configuration options for the CAN bus connection.

QCanBusDevice::RawFilterKey0This configuration determines the type of CAN bus frames that the current device accepts. The expected value is QList<QCanBusDevice::Filter>. Passing an empty list clears all previously set filters including default filters. For more details see QCanBusDevice::Filter.
QCanBusDevice::ErrorFilterKey1This key defines the type of error that should be forwarded via the current connection. The associated value should be of type QCanBusFrame::FrameErrors.
QCanBusDevice::LoopbackKey2This key defines whether the CAN bus device should operate in loopback mode. Loopback means, whenever a CAN frame is transmitted on the CAN bus, a local echo of this frame is sent to all applications connected to this CAN device. The expected value for this key is bool.
QCanBusDevice::ReceiveOwnKey3This key defines whether this CAN device receives its own send frames. This can be used to check if the transmission was successful. The expected value for this key is bool.
QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey4This key defines the CAN bitrate in bits per second. With CAN FD, the payload can be transmitted at a higher data bitrate, if QCanBusFrame::hasBitrateSwitch() is set. In this case, QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey is only used for the CAN ID arbitration phase. See also QCanBusDevice::DataBitRateKey
QCanBusDevice::CanFdKey5This key defines whether sending and receiving of CAN FD frames should be enabled. The expected value for this key is bool.
QCanBusDevice::DataBitRateKey6This key defines the CAN FD payload bitrate in bits per second. CAN FD allows to transmit the payload of frames with QCanBusFrame::hasBitrateSwitch() flag at a higher data bitrate, after the arbitration phase at the nominal bitrate is finished. This enum value was introduced in Qt 5.9. See also QCanBusDevice::BitRateKey
QCanBusDevice::UserKey30This key defines the range where custom keys start. Its most common purpose is to permit platform-specific configuration options.

See also configurationParameter().

enum QCanBusDevice::Direction
flags QCanBusDevice::Directions

This enum describes possible data transmission directions.

QCanBusDevice::Input1Input direction.
QCanBusDevice::Output2Output direction.
QCanBusDevice::AllDirectionsInput | OutputBoth directions, input and output.

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 5.12.

The Directions type is a typedef for QFlags<Direction>. It stores an OR combination of Direction values.

Member Function Documentation

QCanBusDevice::QCanBusDevice(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a serial bus device with the specified parent.

void QCanBusDevice::clear(QCanBusDevice::Directions direction = Direction::AllDirections)

Clears the devices input or output buffers, depending on direction.

This function only operates on QCanBusDevice buffers. Frames that are already written to the CAN driver or CAN hardware layer, or that are not yet read from these layers, are not cleared by this function.

Note: Clearing the output buffers is only possible for buffered devices.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.12.

See also framesAvailable(), readFrame(), framesToWrite(), and writeFrame().

[pure virtual protected] void QCanBusDevice::close()

This function is responsible for closing the CAN bus connection. The implementation must ensure that the instance's state() is set to QCanBusDevice::UnconnectedState.

This function's most important task is to close the socket to the CAN device and to call QCanBusDevice::setState().

See also disconnectDevice().

QVector<int> QCanBusDevice::configurationKeys() const

Returns the list of keys used by the CAN bus connection.

The the meaning of the keys is equivalent to ConfigurationKey. If a key is not explicitly mentioned the platform's default setting for the relevant key is used.

QVariant QCanBusDevice::configurationParameter(int key) const

Returns the current value assigned to the ConfigurationKey key; otherwise an invalid QVariant.

See also setConfigurationParameter() and configurationKeys().

bool QCanBusDevice::connectDevice()

Connects the device to the CAN bus. Returns true on success; otherwise false.

This function calls open() as part of its implementation.

See also disconnectDevice().

[protected] QCanBusFrame QCanBusDevice::dequeueOutgoingFrame()

Returns the next QCanBusFrame from the internal list of outgoing frames; otherwise returns an invalid QCanBusFrame. The returned frame is removed from the internal list.

void QCanBusDevice::disconnectDevice()

Disconnects the device from the CAN bus.

This function calls close() as part of its implementation.

Note: This function should only be called, if connectDevice() returned true.

See also connectDevice().

[protected] void QCanBusDevice::enqueueOutgoingFrame(const QCanBusFrame &newFrame)

Appends newFrame to the internal list of outgoing frames which can be accessed by writeFrame().

Subclasses must call this function when they write a new frame.

[protected] void QCanBusDevice::enqueueReceivedFrames(const QVector<QCanBusFrame> &newFrames)

Appends newFrames to the internal list of frames which can be accessed using readFrame() and emits the framesReceived() signal.

Subclasses must call this function when they receive frames.

QCanBusDevice::CanBusError QCanBusDevice::error() const

Returns the last error that has occurred. The error value is always set to last error that occurred and it is never reset.

See also setError() and errorString().

[signal] void QCanBusDevice::errorOccurred(QCanBusDevice::CanBusError)

This signal is emitted when an error occurs.

QString QCanBusDevice::errorString() const

Returns a human-readable description of the last device error that occurred.

See also error().

qint64 QCanBusDevice::framesAvailable() const

Returns the number of available frames. If no frames are available, this function returns 0.

See also clear(), readFrame(), and readAllFrames().

[signal] void QCanBusDevice::framesReceived()

This signal is emitted when one or more frames have been received. The frames should be read using readFrame() and framesAvailable().

qint64 QCanBusDevice::framesToWrite() const

For buffered devices, this function returns the number of frames waiting to be written. For unbuffered devices, this function always returns zero.

Note: There may be additional buffering in the CAN driver and CAN hardware layer. Therefore, if this function returns zero, that does not mean all CAN frames are already written to the CAN bus.

See also clear() and writeFrame().

[signal] void QCanBusDevice::framesWritten(qint64 framesCount)

This signal is emitted every time a payload of frames has been written to the CAN bus. The framesCount argument is set to the number of frames that were written in this payload.

[protected] bool QCanBusDevice::hasOutgoingFrames() const

Returns true if the internal list of outgoing frames is not empty; otherwise returns false.

[pure virtual] QString QCanBusDevice::interpretErrorFrame(const QCanBusFrame &frame)

Interprets frame as error frame and returns a human readable description of the error.

If frame is not an error frame, the returned string is empty.

[pure virtual protected] bool QCanBusDevice::open()

This function is called by connectDevice(). Subclasses must provide an implementation which returns true if the CAN bus connection could be established; otherwise false. The QCanBusDevice implementation ensures upon entry of this function that the device's state() is set to QCanBusDevice::ConnectingState already.

The implementation must ensure that upon success the instance's state() is set to QCanBusDevice::ConnectedState; otherwise QCanBusDevice::UnconnectedState. setState() must be used to set the new device state.

The custom implementation is responsible for opening the socket, instanciation of a potentially required QSocketNotifier and the application of custom and default QCanBusDevice::configurationParameter().

See also connectDevice().

QVector<QCanBusFrame> QCanBusDevice::readAllFrames()

Returns all QCanBusFrames from the queue; otherwise returns an empty QVector. The returned frames are removed from the queue.

The queue operates according to the FIFO principle.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.12.

See also clear(), framesAvailable(), and readFrame().

QCanBusFrame QCanBusDevice::readFrame()

Returns the next QCanBusFrame from the queue; otherwise returns an empty QCanBusFrame. The returned frame is removed from the queue.

The queue operates according to the FIFO principle.

See also clear(), framesAvailable(), and readAllFrames().

[virtual] void QCanBusDevice::setConfigurationParameter(int key, const QVariant &value)

Sets the configuration parameter key for the CAN bus connection to value. The potential keys are represented by ConfigurationKey.

A parameter can be unset by setting an invalid QVariant. Unsetting a parameter implies that the configuration is reset to its default setting.

Note: In most cases, configuration changes only take effect after a reconnect.

See also configurationParameter().

[protected] void QCanBusDevice::setError(const QString &errorText, QCanBusDevice::CanBusError errorId)

Sets the human readable description of the last device error to errorText. errorId categorizes the type of error.

CAN bus implementations must use this function to update the device's error state.

See also error() and errorOccurred().

[protected] void QCanBusDevice::setState(QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState newState)

Sets the state of the device to newState. CAN bus implementations must use this function to update the device state.

See also state().

QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState QCanBusDevice::state() const

Returns the current state of the device.

See also setState() and stateChanged().

[signal] void QCanBusDevice::stateChanged(QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState state)

This signal is emitted every time the state of the device changes. The new state is represented by state.

See also setState() and state().

[virtual] bool QCanBusDevice::waitForFramesReceived(int msecs)

Blocks until new frames are available for reading and the framesReceived() signal has been emitted, or until msecs milliseconds have passed. If msecs is -1, this function will not time out.

Returns true if new frames are available for reading and the framesReceived() signal is emitted; otherwise returns false (if the operation timed out or if an error occurred).

Note: This function will start a local event loop. This may lead to scenarios whereby other application slots may be called while the execution of this function scope is blocking. To avoid problems, the signals for this class should not be connected to slots. Similarly this function must never be called in response to the framesReceived() or errorOccurred() signals.

See also waitForFramesWritten().

[virtual] bool QCanBusDevice::waitForFramesWritten(int msecs)

For buffered devices, this function waits until all buffered frames have been written to the device and the framesWritten() signal has been emitted, or until msecs milliseconds have passed. If msecs is -1, this function will not time out. For unbuffered devices, it returns immediately with false as writeFrame() does not require a write buffer.

Returns true if the framesWritten() signal is emitted; otherwise returns false (i.e. if the operation timed out, or if an error occurred).

Note: This function will start a local event loop. This may lead to scenarios whereby other application slots may be called while the execution of this function scope is blocking. To avoid problems, the signals for this class should not be connected to slots. Similarly this function must never be called in response to the framesWritten() or errorOccurred() signals.

See also waitForFramesReceived().

[pure virtual] bool QCanBusDevice::writeFrame(const QCanBusFrame &frame)

Writes frame to the CAN bus and returns true on success; otherwise false.

On some platforms, the frame may be put into a queue and the return value may only indicate a successful insertion into the queue. The actual frame will be send later on. Therefore the framesWritten() signal is the final confirmation that the frame has been handed off to the transport layer. If an error occurs the errorOccurred() is emitted.

As per CAN bus specification, frames of type remote transfer request (RTR) do not have a payload, but a length from 0 to 8 (including). This length indicates the expected response payload length from the remote party. Therefore when sending a RTR frame using this function it may still be required to set an arbitrary payload on frame. The length of the arbitrary payload is what is set as size expectation for the RTR frame.

See also QCanBusFrame::setPayload().

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