Q3DObject Class

The Q3DObject class is a simple base class for all the objects in a 3D scene. More...

Header: #include <Q3DObject>
Since: QtDataVisualization 1.0
Instantiated By: Object3D
Inherits: QObject
Inherited By:

Q3DCamera and Q3DLight

This class was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.0.


Public Functions

Q3DObject(QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~Q3DObject()
virtual void copyValuesFrom(const Q3DObject &source)
Q3DScene *parentScene()
QVector3D position() const
void setPosition(const QVector3D &position)


void positionChanged(const QVector3D &position)

Protected Functions

bool isDirty() const
void setDirty(bool dirty)

Detailed Description

Contains position information for an object in a 3D scene. The object is considered to be a single point in the coordinate space without dimensions.

Property Documentation

parentScene : Q3DScene* const

This property holds the parent scene as a read only value.

If the object has no parent scene, the value is 0.

Access functions:

Q3DScene *parentScene()

position : QVector3D

This property holds the 3D position of the object.

Note: Currently setting this property has no effect for Q3DCamera, as the position is handled internally.

Access functions:

QVector3D position() const
void setPosition(const QVector3D &position)

Notifier signal:

void positionChanged(const QVector3D &position)

Member Function Documentation

Q3DObject::Q3DObject(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new 3D object with the position set to origin by default. An optional parent parameter can be given and is then passed to the QObject constructor.

[virtual] Q3DObject::~Q3DObject()

Destroys the 3D object.

[virtual] void Q3DObject::copyValuesFrom(const Q3DObject &source)

Copies the 3D object position from the given source 3D object to this 3D object instance.

[protected] bool Q3DObject::isDirty() const

Returns whether the 3D object has changed.

[protected] void Q3DObject::setDirty(bool dirty)

Sets dirty to true if the 3D object has changed since the last update.

See also isDirty().

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