ApplicationWindow QML Type
Provides a top-level application window. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 |
Since: | Qt 5.1 |
Inherits: |
- contentItem : ContentItem
- menuBar : MenuBar
- statusBar : Item
- style : Component
- toolBar : Item
Detailed Description
ApplicationWindow is a Window that adds convenience for positioning items, such as MenuBar, ToolBar, and StatusBar in a platform independent manner.
ApplicationWindow { id: window visible: true menuBar: MenuBar { Menu { MenuItem {...} } Menu { MenuItem {...} } } toolBar: ToolBar { RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent ToolButton {...} } } TabView { id: myContent anchors.fill: parent ... } }
Note: By default, an ApplicationWindow is not visible.
The Qt Quick Controls - Gallery example is a good starting point to explore this type.
Property Documentation
This group holds the size constraints of the content item. This is the area between the ToolBar and the StatusBar. The ApplicationWindow will use this as input when calculating the effective size constraints of the actual window. It holds these 6 properties for describing the minimum, implicit and maximum sizes:
Grouped property | Description |
contentItem.minimumWidth | The minimum width of the content item. |
contentItem.minimumHeight | The minimum height of the content item. |
contentItem.implicitWidth | The implicit width of the content item. |
contentItem.implicitHeight | The implicit height of the content item. |
contentItem.maximumWidth | The maximum width of the content item. |
contentItem.maximumHeight | The maximum height of the content item. |
statusBar : Item |
style : Component |
The style Component for the window.
See also Qt Quick Controls Styles QML Types.
toolBar : Item |
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