Matrix4x4 QML Type
Provides a way to apply a 4x4 tranformation matrix to an Item. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick 2.0 |
Since: | Qt 5.3 |
- matrix : QMatrix4x4
Detailed Description
The Matrix4x4 type provides a way to apply a transformation to an Item through a 4x4 matrix.
It allows for a combination of rotation, scale, translatation and shearing by using just one tranformation provided in a 4x4-matrix.
The following example rotates a Rectangle 45 degress (PI/4):
Rectangle { width: 100 height: 100 color: "red" transform: Matrix4x4 { property real a: Math.PI / 4 matrix: Qt.matrix4x4(Math.cos(a), -Math.sin(a), 0, 0, Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } }
Property Documentation
4x4-matrix which will be used in the tranformation of an Item
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