class provides an event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it. More…

Detailed Description¶
A widget must accept this event in order to receive the
drag move events
that are sent while the drag and drop action is in progress. The drag enter event is always immediately followed by a drag move event.
inherits most of its functionality fromQDragMoveEvent
, which in turn inherits most of its functionality fromQDropEvent
.See also
- class PySide2.QtGui.QDragEnterEvent(pos, actions, data, buttons, modifiers)¶
- param modifiers:
- param actions:
- param buttons:
- param pos:
- param data:
Constructs a
that represents a drag entering a widget at the givenpoint
with mouse and keyboard states specified bybuttons
.The drag data is passed as MIME-encoded information in
, and the specifiedactions
describe the possible types of drag and drop operation that can be performed.Warning
Do not create a
yourself since these objects rely on Qt’s internal state.
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