Specifying Settings

Settings pages enable end users to specify proxy settings, install add-on components, and modify local cache parameters. End users select Settings on the introduction page to specify the settings.

Specifying Proxy Settings

By default, the installer uses system proxy settings. End users can select to use no proxy or specify the proxy settings manually.

Network tab on Settings page

Installing Add-on Components

To install add-on components, end users select the Repositories tab.

Repositories tab on Settings page

If the web server requires authentication, end users can add their username and password. To display passwords, end users select Show Passwords.

To add their own repositories to the installer, end users can select Add and specify the URL that points to the repository.

Temporary repositories can be used only once, for initial installation. After the installation, only default and user-defined repositories will be available.

Specifying Local Cache Settings

The installers use a local cache for the meta information fetched from remote repositories. This improves loading times when the same metadata is accessed multiple times. End users can configure the location of the metadata cache and clear the contents of an existing cache.

Local Cache tab on Settings page

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