Uncreatable type

This warning category is spelled [uncreatable-type] by qmllint.

Namespace must start with an upper case letter

What happened?

You used a QML object from a lower-case namespace.

Why is this bad?

The QML language forbids lower-case namespaces.


import QtQuick as quick

quick.Item { ... }

To fix the warning, rename the namespace to start with a capital letter:

import QtQuick as Quick

Quick.Item { ... }

Singleton type is not creatable

What happened?

You tried to instantiate a QML object from a singleton type.

Why is this bad?

The QML language forbids instantiations of singletons.


import QtQuick

Item {
    Qt { // note: Qt is a singleton type
        id: qt

    property string someProperty: qt.uiLanguage

To fix the warning, use the singleton directly without instantiating it:

import QtQuick

Item {
    property string someProperty: Qt.uiLanguage

Type is not creatable

What happened?

You tried to instantiate a QML object from an uncreatable type.

Why is this bad?

Uncreatable types are specifically marked to forbid instantiations. You might be misusing a type that should only be used as an attached type or as an interface.


Attached type misuse

import QtQuick

Item {
    Keys {
        onPressed: function (key) { ... }

To fix the warning, use the Keys attached type instead of instantiating it:

import QtQuick

Item {
    Keys.onPressed: function (key) { ... }

Interface misuse

import QtQuick

Item {
    property PointerHandler myHandler: PointerHandler {}

To fix the warning, use a more specific derived type like TapHandler:

import QtQuick

Item {
    property PointerHandler myHandler: TapHandler {}

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