AndroidMatchPattern QML Type
Provides types related to QAndroidMatchPattern. (Technical Preview). More...
Import Statement: | import QtAndroidAutomotive.Base |
In C++: | QAndroidMatchPattern |
Detailed Description
This type is used to access enumeration types from QAndroidMatchPattern.
One of these enum types is MatchType, which can be used in filtering broadcasts received by IntentFilter.
See this snippet where MatchType is used to filter out broadcasts that do not match a specific data path:
AndroidIntentFilter { actions: [ "ACTION_SEND_STORY" ] dataAuthorities: [ { host: "com.qt.story" } ] dataPaths: [ { pattern: "/story", matchType: AndroidMatchPattern.PATTERN_LITERAL } ] dataSchemes: [ "content" ] }
Note: This type cannot be created.
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