Qt for Android Automotive Known Issues and Limitations
Known limitations
Qt for Android Automotive at the current stage has the following limitations:
- The solution's approach means we do not control the lower layers.
Known issues, bugs, and defects
Listed here are all known issues, bugs, and defects with this patch release.
Issues affecting more than one module
All known issues, bugs, or defects that affect more than one module are listed and described here. Their status will be updated in every release.
Issues isolated to specific modules
The following API objects are affected by a known issue, bug, or defect. The descriptions and their statuses are maintained in the associated API documentation.
- ActivityView
- AndroidNotificationListener
- MediaSessionManager
- QActivityView
- QAndroidNotificationListener
- QMediaSessionManager
Reporting issues
Please log any issues you may find by following the instructions at Reporting.
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