MemoryStatus QML Type

Provides information on the status of the RAM. More...

Import Statement: import QtApplicationManager 2.0



Detailed Description

MemoryStatus provides information on the status of the system's RAM (random-access memory). Its property values are updated whenever the method update() is called.

You can use this component as a MonitorModel data source if you want to plot its previous values over time.

import QtQuick 2.11
import QtApplicationManager 2.0
MonitorModel {
    MemoryStatus {}

You can also use it alongside a Timer for instance, when you're only interested in its current value.

import QtQuick 2.11
import QtApplicationManager 2.0
MemoryStatus { id: memoryStatus }
Timer {
    interval: 500
    running: true
    repeat: true
    onTriggered: memoryStatus.update()
Text {
    text: "memory used: " + (memoryStatus.memoryUsed / 1e6).toFixed(0) + " MB"

Property Documentation

[read-only] memoryUsed : int

The amount of physical memory (RAM) used in bytes.

The value of this property is updated when MemoryStatus::update is called.

See also totalMemory.

[read-only] roleNames : list<string>

Names of the roles provided by MemoryStatus when used as a MonitorModel data source.

See also MonitorModel.

[read-only] totalMemory : int

The total amount of physical memory (RAM) installed on the system in bytes.

See also MemoryStatus::memoryUsed.

Method Documentation


Updates the memoryUsed property.

See also memoryUsed.

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