MISRVerifier Class

class SafeRenderer::MISRVerifier

The MISRVerifier class provides the output verifier implementation for the Qualcomm Snapdragon board. More...

Header: #include <MISRVerifier>
Since: QtSafeRenderer 2.0
Inherits: SafeRenderer::OutputVerifierInterface

Public Functions

MISRVerifier(SafeRenderer::FrameBuffer &frameBufferArg, SafeRenderer::OutputVerifier &outputVerifierArg)

Reimplemented Public Functions

virtual void verifyOutput() override

Detailed Description

Implements the OutputVerifierInterface abstract interface for the Qualcomm Snapdragon Snapdragon board. The implementation uses the OpenWFD extension to read the CRC value from MISR device.

Member Function Documentation

MISRVerifier::MISRVerifier(SafeRenderer::FrameBuffer &frameBufferArg, SafeRenderer::OutputVerifier &outputVerifierArg)

Constructs a MISR verifier object with a frameBufferArg. frameBufferArg is the implementation of the AbstractFrameBuffer for the Open WFD API. outputVerifierArg is the reference to the OutputVerifier instance.

[override virtual] void MISRVerifier::verifyOutput()

Internal API for reading the output CRC value. In case of error the OutputVerifierException is thrown.

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